Chapter Five

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That morning, Cyndy finished packing for the both of us and I got Alice up and ready. I called my dad threw the middle of getting ready, asking, no, begging for him to drop us off at the airport. Thankfully, he wanted to see his granddaughter before we left, so he took us.

"Be careful up there." My dad, Papa Gates, told us as we walked in the airport, "take pictures! I want to see her reaction from the snow!"

"Will do." Cyndy smiled as she took Alice from him.

I looked at my dad as he started to walk away. I had to tell him about Jayden. I also wanted him to find more things out while I was gone.

"Hey, get our tickets for me. I need to talk to my dad about something." I told Cyndy.

She nodded her head and went up to the desk as I chanced my dad down.

"Hey wait." I said grabbing his shoulder, "there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it Brian?" He asked looking at me funny.

I scratched the back of my head, "I kind of, found something out that I need to tell you about."

He raised he brow at me, waiting.

"Val told me and I witnessed," I started to tell as I leaned to his ear, "I have a son, with Michelle."

He jumped back and looked at me shocked, "you're joking?"

"I wish I was. I saw her at the park the other day. I saw him. He looks like me. I met him too. His name is Jayden." I told him.

My dad covered my mouth and looked as if he was about to cry, "I might have a grandson?"

I shook my head, "dad this is hard. I- I don't want to me connected to Michelle from any way."

He grabbed me by the shoulder and looked behind me at my wife and daughter, then looked at me, "Don't even, for once, disown him because of her."

"But I don't want Michelle in my life. I don't want Alice to have a split family like I had and I don't want Cyndy to leave me if she finds out." I explained.

His grip on me tightened, "Just because me and your mother spilt, doesn't means it's all bad. You gained an amazing brother, Johnny. And sister McKenna. I let you be in your mothers life and she let you in mine. Did we have to interact with each other? No. But we didn't let stop from you or Brent seeing her. Now if Cyndy loves you, it won't bother her that you have a son from someone else, and you haven't told her yet?"

I looked back at her, standing at the gate waiting for me, then looked back at my dad, "I can't bare to tell her that."

"Son, you better do the right thing." He said as he let me go.

I rolled my eyes and growled.

"No attitude from you." He snapped at me, "now go have fun with your family."

I nodded my head, "I will, but will you talk to Val and Mich, try to find something out?"

He sighed and patted my back, "Okay, I will."

I watched him walk down the stairs to leave then I turned to my family and ran to them to catch the plane.

After a six hour flight, around two in the afternoon, Knoxville time. Alice had fallen asleep, so she didn't notice the snow as we got the rental car and headed toward our cabin in the mountains.

"I forgot how much I liked it here, but then again, I fucking hate the cold!" Cyndy said walking out on the cabin deck.

I laughed and walked out behind her, wrapping my arms around her, "But the snow looks amazing. I can't wait for Alice to wake up and see it."

"You and me both." She smiled at me as she kissed me.

Moments later, about an hour or so before sun set. Alice woke up. We were sitting in the living room talking when she fumbled into the living room from the bed room.

"Baby, did you see good?" Cyndy asked her.

She nodded her head and crawled onto my lap, "Where are we?"

"You remember when I told you I was taking you somewhere?" I asked her.

She yawned and nodded her head.

"Well." I said looking at Cyndy, "We're here and we want to show you something."

Alice looked slightly confused, yet excited. Cyndy grabbed the camera and I pulled out my phone to video. I took Alice by her hand and lead her to the door.

"No remember when mommy and I told you about snow?" I asked her.

Her face lit up with even more excitement.

"Alice baby," Cyndy said opening the door, "This is snow."

I never seen a child so excited before when I looked at Alice gazing at the snow for the first time.

"It's so bright!" Alice said walking out on the deck.

I laughed and recorded her on my phone.

She knelt down and touched it, "It's so cold!"

I scooped up a hand full and lightly sprinkled it over her head.

She grabbed her own handful and tossed it in the air.

The rest of the day, we played in the snow around the cabin with Alice. Teaching her to make snow balls, snowmen, and snow angels. Then after, we made hot chocolate and watched Alice's favorite movie, 'The Little Vampire', over and over until she fell asleep.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now