Chapter Seven

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Later that day, we went out to actual Gatlinberg where all the attractions and shops were. Alice was excited to walk threw all the snow. The first stop we took, was the 'space needle'. We had to trips for 24hours. So it was the first and last thing we planned on doing.

"Wow, I haven been up here in years." Cyndy said as we walked out of the elevator.

I held onto Alice in my arms and looked over the edge, "Look we were just down there!"

Alice slight leaned over my arms but I held onto her tight.

"How cute." The elevator guy said walking up to us, "Is this her first trip here?"

I nodded my head, "first time seeing snow too."

"May I show her the telescope?" He asked.

I looked at Cyndy and she was iffy, but nodded her head.

"Don't go far." I told the guy with a hateful attitude.

He nodded his head and took Alice to the scope next to us.

"I can't wait to get back home and start trying for a baby." Cyndy said as I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"Matt and Val can babysit." I told her kissing her neck.

She laughed and turned to face me, "Can you believe how far we've come? You picked me from a crowed and picked me over your ex wife. It's so unreal."

I nodded my head and just looked at her, into her eyes.

"Brian, what is it? Something's on your mind." She said worried.

I sighed, "I saw someone while you were gone with Val the other day."

"Who?" She asked with a tone of hate in her voice.

I looked at the ground between us and mumbled, "Michelle.."

Cyndys eyes got wide, "She was in Huntington?"

I nodded my head.

"Did she move back?" She asked.

"I asked Val about it when I was at Matt's, she said she's moving back." I told her.

Cyndy growler under her breath and turned away from me.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Alice. I picked her up and walked to the edge of the look out.

"You like the pretty snow mountains?" I asked her.

She nodded her head yes, excited.

I kissed her check, then rested my head on top of hers, looking at Cyndy.

I had no idea how to tell her about Jayden, specially since she didn't take the news that Mich is moving back to town very well.

The next day, we spent it in the cabin. Alice was watching movies in the living room while Cyndy and I were sitting in the kitchen drinking Coffee.

"Is she really moving back?" Cyndy asked disappointed.

I sighed, "Sadly."

"Fuck. Why?!" She snapped, "She's going to ruin everything."

I looked in the living room and Alice was looking our way, wondering what was going on.

"Babe." I whispered, "keep it down."

Cyndy growled and ran her hand threw her hair, "I'm sorry, just you know how much I hate her."

I looked at her silently for a moment.

She started ask me something when my phone rang.

"Hang on. It's Matt." I said getting up and going out side.

Me: "Yea? Anything new?"

Matt: "No, just checking in. Did you tell her yet?"

Me: "No I haven't. But I did tell her Mich is moving back to HB. We were just talking about it."

Matt: "Well, Mich asked you where you are and if you mad a decision yet. I told her you went out of town for a few days to by you some time. She's going to want to talk to you dude, soon."

Me: "I fucking know. I know. We will be back in two more days, but tell Mich three. I want to tell Cyndy alone. I don't want Alice around."

Matt: "Sure of course. I'll baby sit."

Me: "Sweet thanks. I'll see you when we get back."

I hung the phone back up and went into the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Cyndy asked, now holding Alice.

I shrugged my shoulders, "He just wanted to see how things are going and if Alice enjoyed the snow."

She gave me a funny looked then nodded her head.

"Come Alice," Cyndy said standing up, "Let's go get dressed then we will play in the snow."

I watched the two of them walk in the bed room.

I loved my family. So much. And it killed me inside, thinking that the one night mistake I made, might ruin it all..

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now