Chapter Fourteen

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The next day, the first thing we all did was getting Cyndy custody rights to Jayden and make Matt and Val God parents. After we met with the guy that was changing locks. He said it would take just a little over an hour, so we went for lunch. We got back and the guy was gone. Matt and Val insisted we come back with them, but I decided we try to stay this one night in and see what happens.

"Daddy, I'm scared." Alice said looking up at me as we walked in the house.

I started to say something, but Jayden spoke to Alice for me.

"Sis, Dad and I will protect you." He said putting his hand on her shoulder, "Don't be scared."

Alice quickly hugged him.

I couldn't been more prouder of Jayden.

"Come Alice." Cyndy said picking her up, "bath time."

"Thank you." I told Jayden as I sat on the couch in the living room.

He followed me and sat next to me.

I smiled over at him.

"Whats going on daddy?" He asked me.

I sighed and shurgged my shoulders, "I wish I knew."

"Is my mom, bad?" He asked.

I shook my head, "That, I dont know. I honestly dont."

"Why'd you leave her then?" He said.

"Me and your mom, didnt get along. Not very well." I started to explained, "Your mom you see, used me in alot of ways. I also, wasnt happy with her anymore."

"Cyndy makes you happy?" He questioned.

I nodded my head, "She makes the happy. She makes me, feel good about myself. She doesnt use me. I feel in love with her, when I first saw her."

"Oh." He said sadly.

I patted his back, "Everything will be just fine Jayden, I promise."

"Whats it like, to love?" He asked.

I laughed, "Thats something, you wont have to worry about for a long time."

He nodded his head and grabbed the PS4 controller. He sat down on the floor and began to play some games.

I sat on the couch and watched him. Cyndy and Alice soon joined us. Alice sat with Jayden and started helping him play his game. I started to think, how he turned out so good, with someone like Michelle. 

Momments later, just as Cyndy was about to order us a pizza, there was a knock on the door. Jayden paused the game and looked at me, as well as Alice. Cyndy started to go awnser it, but I stopped her and went to answer the door.

"Hello?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Brian Haner?" A guy asked.

I nodded my head, "Junior."

"Can we asked you a few questions?" He asked.

I looked at my family, then back at the guy, "May I ask why."

"Im agent Rossi with the FBI and we want to ask you about the murders in LA." He said showing me his badge.

"Brian, what is it?" Cyndy said walking up to me.

I sighed and shook my head, "Im gunna go see what these guys want from me. Call Matt and have him come over, please?"

She nodded her head without question and went into the living room to call Matt.

I walked outside and followed the agent to his car.

"Why am I being question?" I asked as I got in the car.

He looked at me threw his mirror, "We've got  a tip you might know about the murders."

I gave him a real funny look, "I had no idea about them till the annouced on the news he might be in Huntington."

"Well, we will ask you a few things and see about getting a warrent processed." He told me.

I shook my head in shock, "Am I being arrested?"

"Not yet." He said sadly.

My eyes got wide in shock, "How am I being concedered a suspect?"

"If your story checks out, you wont me." He told me.

"Someone had been breaking into my house!" I yelled, "And I'm being questioned?"

He nodded his head, "We may have some info on whos been in your house."

"I know whos been in my house, my ex wife!" I snapped.

The aggent sighed, but stay silent and kept driving.

I couldnt believe what was going on.  I was dumb founded. How, of all things, was I a suspect in murder? I've never harmed anyone. I have two kids. A wife. A family. A band. I didnt have time to murder anyone. The more I thought about it, the more pissed off I got. Which wasnt good. The last thing I needed, was to get hostile with the FBI. 

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