Chapter Eleven

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After the meeting with the lawyer, he told us we had a case. I could get full custdy of Jayden and her pay child support. I was excited. Two weeks couldnt come fast enough, but when it did, I instently got nerves. So did Cyndy. Val and Matt even. They knew after this court case, Val would probably loose all respect from her sister, but she was going the right thing.

The whole session seamed like it took forever. It was nerve racking. At a point, I thought neither of us would get Jayden. But when they say how well Alice acted in the court room, they changed there minds. They went back in the judges chambers for almost an hour disscusing it. I was scared. Michelle was mad. Cyndy was nerves. Everyone was a wreck.

But finally, after an entirinty, they called us back from reeces and had a dissession. I ran my hand over my mouth and leaded back in my chair, waiting for an answer. Michelle looked as if she was about to burst out into tears. Jayden was looking inpasient. Alice, seamed over excited. 

"We've come to a dissesion." The judge annouced, "And we've decided Michelle is an unfit parent to Jayden. We are granting custdy to his birth father, Brian Haner Jr."

My heart stopped for a split second. I was dumb founded.

"Court ajurnded." The judge said as he got up and left.

I stood up in my chair and looked at Jayden walking, no running, from the balif and right to my arms. I picked him up and hugged him tight.

"Im so glad I get to keep you." I told him threw tears.

"I finally can know my dad." He said in tears.

I put him down and looked at Michelle as she walked up to us.

She knelt down to Jayden and tugged on his shirt, "Mommy will miss you."

Jayden just nodded his head and looked up at me.

"Lets go." I said taking his hand and started toward Cyndy.

Michelle grabbed my arm, "Consider yourself lucky, Brian."

I glared at her and jerk my arm away from her. I handed Jayden to Cyndy, then got in Michelle's face.

"Don't you tell me, im lucky." I said gritting my teeth, "You hid my son from me, for years. You used me since the day I started dating you. You are lucky I dont end you."

Her eyes shrunk in fear when I mummled those words. She looked around, waiting for me to do something, or someone to say something, but no one herd me, but her. I made sure of that.

"Brian." Cyndy called for me.

I flashed Michelle a smirk, then made my way to my family.

We got back to the house and showed Jayden up to his room. After, Cyndy started on dinner and I watched Alice and Jayden play in the living room. He was teaching her how to play video games.

"Hey Brian," Cyndy said walking into the living room on the phone, "Have the kids pause it and turn on the tv."

Jayden paused the game and I switched the tv over to the channel Cyndy told me.

"There as been an annonamous tip on the murders in Northen LA. The tip has placed the suspect in Huntington Beach. As a local resadient. Nothing has been released, but they do have a profile. The FBI is working on seeking the suspect as soon as the collect more evadience." The lady on the news said.

I looked at Cyndy shocked. She was frightened.

"Dont worry." I said as I got up and walked to the door, making sure it was locked, "I wont sleep tonight. I'll keep an eye on things."

Cyndy walked up to me and I wrapped my arms around her. Alice came running and I picked her up.

"I want to stay up with you." Jayden said leaning in the door way.

I sighed and looked at Cyndy, shaking her head.

"He'll be fine. Nothing will happen." I told her.

She rolled her eyes and took Alice from me, returning to the kitchen.

I walked back into the living room and motioned for Jayden to sit next to me.

"Yea?" He asked looking at me.

"Jayden, I wish I could have been there for you." I told him, "Im going to be here for the rest of your life though."

He hugged me, "Good."

"Now, we have women to protect." I said getting up, "Since your almost seven, I think I teach you about guns."

I took him up down stairs to where I have all my gun collection stalked at. I showed him a few, named them off and told him how powerful they are. He seamed fasanated by it and wanted to shoot one, but he couldnt. Not in the house. I told him I would take him to a shooting rang soon.

"Dad, will someone try to break in and kill us?" He asked as I started putting the guns away.

I shook my head no, "I dont think so."

"But what if they do?" He asked being serious.

I put the last gun away and looked at him.

"Jayden." I said knelling down and grabbing his shoulder, "No one is going to get us. I wont let it happen. Plus, I dont think we have to worry about it. Its just a theroy, nothing real."

He nodded his head and rushed up stairs as Cyndy annouced Dinner.

I stayed behind for a few minutes thinking about what I saw on the news. Nothing like that has been mentioned in Huntington before. It did get me thinking and worring a bit, but I know, it shouldnt be such a big deal.

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