Chapter Eighteen

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Two days later, it was time for my hearing. My court date. Time to find out how long I was going to be in here. It was do or die. It really sucked though. I wanted to be out already. So bad. I wanted to hold my wife. I wanted to play with my kids. I wanted to put my daughter to bed. I wanted to bond with my son. I wanted it all so bad.

"All rise." The balif said as I was brought in.

Everyone in the courtroom stood up as the judge entered the room shortly after us. Then everyone sat down. The judge shuffled threw some papers and I scanned the court room. I spotted my wife, with Matt and Val. I kept looking around the room and I found Michelle sitting in the back. Val kept looking back to check on her, then smiling at me.

I leaned closer to my friends and wife, "Where are the kids?"

"My parents." Matt whispered.

I nodded my head and looked back at the judge as he started to speak.

He called me up to explain my side. Then he called for Val, who pointed everything toward Michelle. Then Michelle was asked up. The questioned her hard core and got everything out of her. The told her they wouldnt charge her for coming clean and that she would have 24 hour police protection until the guy was caught. That down side to all this, they still wanted to keep me in here until they caught him.

"Baby!" Cyndy yelled as they escorted me toward the door.

I turned and looked at her, and that agent Reid was there again. Comferting her, when I couldnt.

Once they had me back to my cell, they quickly took me back out and into a room. They took the cuffs off me and left me there. I had no idea what was going on, maybe they already caught him and was letting me go, but I highly doubt that was the reason.

Shortly, Agent Rossi opened up the door with a smile on his face. Then behind him, my wife, daughter and son.

"I'll let you guys have an hour." Rossi said before walking back out the door.

"Daddy!" Alice said running to me.

I picked her up and tossed her in the air over my head, then caught her, giving her the biggest hug.

"Why are you here dad?" Jayden asked me.

I looked at Cyndy, then at him, pulling him up on my lap, sitting Alice on the table, "Where do you think I am?"

"Something for work? But your a rockstar, why would you be in an office?" He asked me confused.

I slightly laughed and mouthed 'thank you' to Cyndy, then looked at Jayden, "Well son, apart of being a rockstar, you have to have meetings. This one is just taking a litle bit."

"When are you coming home daddy??" Alice demaned to know, crossing her arms.

I shook my head, "Soon, I hope."

"I miss you daddy." Alice said on the edge of tears.

Great, now I felt like crying. I hated seeing my daughter this way.

"Alice." Jayden said sitting on the table next to her, wrapping his arm around her, "Dad will be home soon. Then you know what?"

"What?" Alice asked him.

He looked at me, then back at her, "He will take us out on the road with him."

"Really?!" Alice said getting excited, looking at me.

I laughed and nodded my head, "Yea, as soon as we head on the road for a new tour, I'll take you guys with us."

All of us talked for what felt like forever, but was only an hour. I missed sitting down with my kids liek this.  I wanted to go home with them, but I know I couldnt. I just hoped I would be going home to see them soon. And I couldnt wait to take them out on the road with me either.

"I'm sorry Haner, but hours up." Rossi said walking in the room.

I looked at him and nodded my head as I stood up, "Could you take my kids for a momment? I want to have a few minutes with my wife alone."

"Sure." He smiled, "Come with me kids."

"Are you going to help my daddy?" Alice asked him.

Rossi laughed and nodded his head, "The best I can."

I wrapped my arms around Cyndy as our kids walked out the door.

"Whats on your mind?" She asked me, messing with my hair.

I laughed and shook my head, "You. Like always."

Her face slightly turned red and she buried her face into my chest.

I wrapepd my arms around her and held her close.

"Out of touch. Out of reach. You could try, to get closer to me. I'm in love. I'm in deep. Hypnotized, I'm shaking to my knees. I gotta know, If you're alone tonight. Can't stop this feeling, can't stop this fire. Oh I get hystical, hysteria. Oh can you feel it? Do you believe it? Its such a magical, mysteria. When you get that feeling, better start believing. Cause its a mirical. Oh say you will. Oh babe, Hysteria, when you're near." I softly sang to her.

She laughed and looked up at me and moved her hair behind her ear.

"Brian, I dont know what I would do without you." She said threw tears.

I whipped the tears from her face, "Dont ever worry about that, because you'll always have me. You're never going to loose me."

She smiled and I kissed her.

I broke the kiss as I heard knocking coming on the door.

"You have to go." I said sadly.

She nodded her head and whipped her face, "I'll see you soon?"

I nodded my head, "I'll see you soon. Promise."

With that, she walked out the door and I was took back to my cell.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now