Chapter Six

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The next day, we slept in. Actually , we got to. Alice was so warm out from the excitement, she slept later than Cyndy and I both. But I was the first up, which was good. I had a message from Matt, telling me to call when I get a chance away from Cyndy, which was now.

Matt: "Good god, you've slept later then normal."

Me: "Yea, Alice got over excited yesterday from the snow, plus she slept the whole way here then was up late. Her and Cyndy are still sleeping."

Matt: "That's great, but I don't have good news."

Me: "Shit, let's hear it then."

Matt: "Michelle wants to demand child support or force visiting rights on you for Jayden."

Me: "Ar- are you fucking kidding!?"

Matt: "I wish I was dude. Did you tell your dad? He came over asking about it."

Me: "Yea, I told him to find some stuff out. Let him know what you told me. He thinks I should be apart of Jayden's life."

Matt: "Honestly, I do too."

Me: "God, but Alice?"

"What about me daddy?" My daughter said walking up to me from the bedroom.

I smiled at her and held up my finger for her to wait.

Me: "Matt, I got to go. Alice just woke up. Text me when you talk to my dad."

Matt: "alright, have fun. Take lots of pictures!"

I laid my phone on the table as I sat on the couch and ran my hand threw my hair.

"What's wrong daddy?" Alice said pulling at my hands.

I just smiled at her, "Nothing baby, everything is perfect."

She glared at me. She could tell I was lying. She got that from her mother.

"Alice." I said looking into her eyes, "what would you think about having a brother?"

She quickly shook her head no and crossed her arms, "No! I want a baby sister!"

"No brother? What so ever?" I asked her.

She shook her head no.

"Even if he was older?" I carefully asked.

She looked at me funny for s moment, then shrugged her shoulders.

Before I could ask her anything else, I spotted Cyndy coming out of the bedroom looking for us.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Cyndy asked as she sat on the end of the couch.

I shurgged my shoulders and leaned back on the couch.

"Daddy asked me if I wanted a brother! I said no, I want a sister." Alice tattled on me.

I shook at her shocked, then looked at Cyndy. She was shocked too.

"Alice baby, let's go get you a bath started." Cyndy said taking Alice by the hand and leading her to the bathroom.

Shortly, she came back and leaned in the door way with her arms crossed.

I just looked at her. I didn't know what to say.

"What did our daughter mean by you asked her if she wanted a brother?" Cyndy said confussed.

I panicked for a second and stood up, "um, I was thinking.. I want another baby."

She was speechless. Her jaw littlerly dropped.

"Babe." I said walking up to her, "are you okay?"

"You really want another?" She asked fighting back tears.

I looked at the ground and thought for a min. I did want another. But was now even the right time to think about that? I haven't told her about Jayden yet..

"Yes, I really do." I finally said as I looked up at her.

She quickly wrapped her arms around me, "we can start when we get back!"

My eyes got wide. I didn't think she wanted to start that soon. But it did by me some time on telling her about Jayden. I had to figure away into tell her slowly. But I just didn't have any idea yet.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now