Chapter Seventeen

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"You got alot of nerve coming to see me." I glared at her, crossing me arms, "I know you're the reason im in here.

She sighed, "Im sorry Brian, I really am."

"You are a liar!" I yelled her.

She flinched and closed her eyes when I yelled.

Something was wrong with her, but I didnt know what.

"Mich, what is it?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I cant say."

"Why have you been framing me!?" I demaned to know.

She looked at the table, "I was forced to."

"Liar! A part of you wanted me to pay for taken Jayden!" I snapped.

She looked up at me with a mean look, "You're damn righ apart of me did!"

I smirked, "I knew it."

"But I am sorry." She said calming herself back down, "I'm going to try and get you out of here."

"How the hell are you gunan do that?" I asked cocky.

She looked around the room and toned her voice to a whisper, "I know how done it. I know who commited the murders."

My eyes got and I actually started to listen to her.

"It was Tyler." She whispered, "They guy I was involed with. Thats why I came back. Thats why I messed with you, trying to get you to take Jayden. I wanted it. I wanted him to me safe. From Tyler. From me. And I knew he would with you."

I couldnt believe my ears.

"You're fucking joking?" I asked.

She shook her head no, "He came up here after me. He said they were onto him. That if I didnt tip them off to someone else and fix it to look like it was someone else, he would kill Jayden."

My heart sunk at those words, 'he would kill Jayden'. I didnt like it and it started to piss me off. I know wanted to hunt this mother fucker down myself.

"I'll kill him." I said angery.

She shook her head, "You cant Brian."

"Get me out of here now!" I demaned.

She nodded her head, "I'll try!"

"You better, because your sister is coming to plead against you." I told her out of spite.

She looked at me shocked, but accpeted the fact her sister was read to turn against her.

"You wanna know why shes so willing to do that?" I said mocking her, "Not for me, but for my kids. Her god kids."

Tears fell from Michelle's eyes, "I understand Brian, you dont have to tell me."

"Why would you endanger my son like that!?" I yelled.

"I didnt know he was bad Brian! I swear." He yelled back.

I shook my head, "Get out of her. I dont want to look at you. Tell them to send me my wife. My real wife. The one I love."

She glared at me as she stood up and walked out the door.

I sat in that room for what felt like forever. I sat there waiting for what was going to happen next. But momments after enerity, the most beauitful woman walked into the room. Tears stained her face as he ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I crashed my lips against hers with out each of us saying anything.

"I fucking miss you." She cried, pressing her forehead against mine, "Please, please tell me whats going on."

I ran my hand against her cheek and sat her down on the table, still holding onto her waist.

"Michelle did do this. She came to see me right after I got off the phone with you." I told her, "She told me everything."

Flames grew in Cyndy's eyes as I told her the truth.

"She told me who done this and she told me she framed me." I explained, "She said she was going to try and get me out, but we will have to see about that at my court hearing in two days."

Cyndy shook her head, holding to my arms tightly with anger, "I hope she gets put in here. I hope she never gets out."

I shook my head, "Babe, please. Calm down."

She sighed, "Brian, I hate this."

I kissed her and ran my hands threw her hair, "I do too love."

"Five minutes." Agent Rossi said popping his head in the door.

Cyndy quickly hugged me, "I dont want to leave you."

I held her tightly, "I know you dont, but all this will be figured out soon, I promise."

Cyndy slightly pulled back and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

She slightly smiled and shook her head, whipping her eyes, "I have something to tell you."

I looked at her confused, "What is it?"

She grabbed my hands and placed them on her stomach, "Brian, I'm pregnat."

Tears instently started to pour from my eyes. I was speachless. A happy kind of speachless. I didnt know what to say.

She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me, "We might have our own son soon."

I grabbed her face with both of my hands and kissed her.

"Alright, visting time is over." Agent Rossi said walking in the room.

I slowly and unwilling let Cyndy go, watching her walk out the door.

"You okay Haner?" Rossi asked me.

I nodded my head, "I just found out I'm gunna have another child."

"Then we really got to see about getting you out of here." He said escorting me out of the room.

I looked down the hall and saw Cyndy talking to that brown headed agent, whom I learned was Dr. Reid. She was still upset and it worried me. She didnt need to be upset if she was pregnat.

When I was took back to my holding cell, I sat there on the bench, letting everything sink in. I couldnt believe she told me, we were going to have another baby. I was so excited. And it really meant, I had to get out of here. I was not about to miss the birth of my child. Speically if its going to be my son. I already knew what I was going to name him too. I know Cyndy would be okay with it, at least I hope. Hes going to be named Brian Elwin Haner III.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now