Chapter Twelve

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That night, Jayden and I stayed up. Well I did, Jayden pasted out around three am. It was pretty badass for a six year old to act so mature about something so serious. It made me proud to have him as a son. But I was still on edge about this so called 'murder' in Huntington. I did hear a few things bumbing around outside, but I didnt think much of it. I didnt see anything.

"Hey you, get some sleep." Cyndy said walking out of our room.

I looked at Jayden, then back at her, "Okay."

"I'll take care of him." She said stopping me from picked him up.

I shook my head no and picked him up anyways, then carried him into his room.

After I took him to his room, I went to mine and slept. Like a fucking baby, but I woke up within a few hours. I heard someone walking around in my house. It was quite, so I knew something was off, because I didnt hear children playing.

I got up and walked into the livingroom. Nothing. Nobody. I peeked out the window and noticed Cyndy's car was gone, so I knew, she had the kids, and someone was in my house.

I noticed the front door was unlocked. Cyndy always locked it, but cause I was home, did she not lock it? 

I walked up the stairs and checked the kids rooms. Still, nothing.

Just as I checked the spear room at the end of the upstairs hall way, I herd a door shut. I rushed down stairs and didnt see anyone. I flung the front door open and looked around outside. Again, nothing. No one. No one but the guy across the street.

"Hey Brian!" He said noticiing I was outside.

I waved at him and started in my house, then stopped. I walked back toward the edge of the road and decided to ask him if he say anything.

"Hey, you wouldnt happen to have seen anyone come out of my house have  you?" I asked him.

He shook his head no, "I just came from around back and saw you bolting out."

"Shit, alright, thanks." I told him as I started back inside.

As soon as I got inside, I rushed down to the basement and grabbed a simple hand gun, then came back upstairs. I sat on the couch in silence. Running theorys threw my head. I dont know if I was hearing things, or someone was really in my house while my family was gone. Was I insane? Or being on edge for my family?

About an hour passed and my front door opened. I looked over the back of the couch and two beautiful childern came running in. I jumped up off the couch, slipping my hand gun in the back of my pants and picked up both my kids.

"I missed you guys." I told them both.

Alice kissed my cheek and Jayden hugged my neck.

"Sleep good?" Cyndy asked me.

I nodded my head as I sat the kids down, "I need to talk to you."

She looked at me funny then went into the kitchen.

"Jayden, go show Alice how to play guitar hero." I told him, then followed Cyndy into the kitchen.

"What is it?" She asked me.

I pulled the gun from my pants and sat it on the kitchen counter.

"Brian!" She yelled, "Why is that out?"

 "Did you lock the door when you left today?" I asked her.

She nodded her head yes.

I ran my hand threw my hair.

"What is it Brian?" She asked, with a frightened tone in her voice.

I sighed, "I herd someone in the house while you guys were gone."

She covered her face shocked.

"I'll call Matt and see if we can stay over there for a few nights. I'll see about getting the locks changed." I told her.

She nodded her head and went into the living room to get the kids.

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