Chapter Fifteen

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Most of the night, they questioned me about where I was on a certin day. What I was doing. What I was wearing. How I felt. It made no sense. Speically since I was in Tennessee for one of the days they asked me about. They wouldnt even say anything everytime I brought up that Michelle was snooping in my house without permission. I dont know if it was good or bad what I told them, but they did let me go. My brother had picked me up and took me back to place.

"What on earth was that all about?!" Cyndy yelled threw tears, wrapping her arms around me as I came threw the door.

I shook my head and held onto her tight, "I dont know."

"What did they say?" Matt asked me as I let go of my wife.

I shrugged, "They think I had or know something about the murders in LA. They are trying to get a warrent to search my house."

"Really?" Matt said shocked.

I nodded my head.

"Dad?" Jayden said walking down the stairs, "Where did you go?"

I shook my head, "I had  to take care of something, go back to bed."

He didnt question me anymore, but went up to his room.

"Did you tell them about Michelle?" Matt asked me.

I nodded my head, "Its like they didnt care."

"Thats bullshit." Cyndy said shaking her head.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"If you need anything, let me know dude." Matt said looking at me serious.

"There is something," I started to say, "When they come with a warrent, they could arrest me. I dont want my kids to see that."

"How will you know when they come?" He asked.

I shurgged my shoulders, "I dont, so I want you to keep them at your place. Just till this settles down."

"Of course." He said hugging me, "Becareful."

"I'll try. I'll be over tomorrow to bring the kids first thing. I'll come over as much as I can." I told him as he walked out the door.

I shut the door and looked at my wife leaning against the living room door way. 

She was a mess.

"What are we going to do?" She asked me, near in tears, as I walked up to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head, "Hope for the best."

That next morning, I got up and started making breakfest. Cyndy went up stairs and had the kids pack. Alice came running into the kitchen and grabbed onto my leg. Jayden quickly came in after her and just stood at the door way.

"You guys hungery?" I asked.

Jayden nodded his head.

Alice just looked up at me sadly.

"Whats wrong princess?" I asked her.

She bursted into tears, "I dont wanna stay at Matts! I wanna stay with you and mommy!"

I looked at Cyndy walking threw the door, then back at Alice.

"Baby, its just for a few days. You love uncle Matt and aunt Val." I told her, whipping the tears from her face.

She started to say something, but I stopped her.

"I want you to know, I love you. More then anything. Promise you'll behave at Matts?" I asked her.

She sighed, but nodded her head.

"Good." I said kissing her cheek, "Now go sit with Jayden."

After I finished up breakfest, Cyndy and I took the kids to Matt's. We stayed for a little bit, but came home shortly. Cyndy and I sat in the living room, her laying on my lap, and watched movies. Between each movie, we would call over to Matts to talk to our kids, but durning one movie, it got interupted with a knock on the door.

"Brian." Cyndy said upset as I got up to answer it.

I shook my head and walked to the door.

Cyndy grabbed me by my arm and turned me to face her. She grabbed my face and kissed. It felt as if we were kissing for the first time all over again. So much spark, so much passion.

"I love you." I said looking into her eyes as I broke the kiss.

She whipped her faces and backed up, "I love you too."

The knocking got louder, so I turned to open the door to the FBI agent that took me for questioning the day before. He had more people with him.

"Brian Haner Junior we have warrent to search your home for an evadence to link you to the murders in North Los Angelas." Agent Rossi told me as everyone went in my house, "May I ask you and anyone else in the house to step out side.

I nodded my head and took Cyndy's hand, "Its just me and my wife. Our kids are at a friends."

The agent turned to me, "You know if we find anything, we can arrested you."

I nodded my head again, "I understand, but I didnt do anything, so I dont think there will be anything to find."

We stood outside for about twenty minutes with agent Rossi while everyone else searched the house. One of his team mates came barley out of my front door and motioned for Rossi. He went in for five mintues then came back out looking sad.

"Brian Haner, Your under arrest." He said pulling out his hand cuffs.

I looked at him shocked, "For what?!"

"The murders in LA." He said cuffing me.

I looked at my wife shocked, "Go to Matts. Stay there till I call."

"Brian!" She said reaching for me, but the agent with longer brownish hair, held her.

I hated seeing that FBI agent holding my wife. Calming her down, when I should be.

The other agent stuck me in one of the cars and we started to the station. I couldnt believe what just happened. I didnt kill anyone. I was inasent! And I'm pretty sure I had an idea of why I was in the mess. Michelle.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now