Chapter Four

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I ran my hand threw my hair and threw my head back on the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Val said.

I shook my head, "Just don't say it."

"That night you and Michelle fought when you brought Cyndy back, she was going to tell you." She told me.

I quickly looked at her, "You're joking?"

She shook her head no.

"I had no idea either dude." Matt said in shock.

"But she hid that from me, for a year!" I yelled.

"What are you going to do?" Matt asked me.

I shook my head, "I don't even know. Why the hell is she back in Huntington?"

"Her and Tyler didn't work out, so she's moving back." Val said, "She wants to talk to you actually."

I quickly shook my head no, "Hell no Val. She is not ruining what I have with Cyndy. I've been with her for almost six years."

"She doesn't want to ruin anything." Val said standing up.

I rolled my eyes, "then what does she want?"

"She wants to let you see him. To see your son, Jayden." She told me.

My eyes got wide, "Jayden? She named him Jayden?"

She nodded her head.

"Val, I can't. What am I going to tell my wife? And what about Alice? That's he half brother." I said on edge, "I don't want her to have a spilt family like I had."

"Brian, do you not want to be apart of his life?" She asked hateful.

"Of course I do! I just don't want to be part of Michelle's. I don't him to be her child. I want him to be Cyndy's. What happens if she leaves me and takes Alice away if she finds out about all this?" I rambled.

Val shook her head, "I asked her over here Brian. And she'll be here any minute. Make up your mind. If you don't want to see him, leave. But make the right choice."

My jaw dropped stunned that I only had moments to decide. I wanted so bad, more then anything to know my son. My first child. But what would my wife say finding out? Would I loose Alice if I choose to be in Jayden's life?

I looked at my phone and it was almost six. I gazed at my beautiful family on my lock screen. I couldn't bare loosing them. Then I pictured seeing Jayden at the park yesterday.

"Well?" Val said crossing her arms.

I bit my lip, "I want to see him."

She nodded her then started texting on her phone.

I looked at Matt and he just shook his head.

A few minutes had went by and I kept checking my phone for messages from Cyndy. I also book three flights to Knoxville, TN for tomorrow morning. But soon enough, Matt's front door opened and I quickly locked my eyes at the door. When I saw a littles kid rush in, I starred at the floor in front of the couch.

Val greeted her sister and escorted her into the kitchen to avoid me. Matt came out of the kitchen with a little boy holding his hand. And the boy wasn't River or Owen, it was Jayden.

"Hey Jayden, I want you to meet someone." Matt said walking in front of me.

I looked up at Matt then at the kid. He was smiling. Well, a shy smirk. Just like mine. I couldn't believe how much he looked like me.

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