Chapter Sixteen

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At the station, they showed me pictures of the girls that were murdered. I had no idea who they were. They asked me where the other bodies where and where the other girl was that I apperently took two days ago.

"Honestly, I didnt do anything!" I told them.

Rossi shook his head and slamed his hands on the table, "We found the wepon in your house. Your prints were on the body."

"How?! I've been with my wife and kids!" I yelled.

He leaned back and smirked, "Not what we heard from your ex wife."

My eyes got wide, "What did she say?"

"She said that she saw you down in LA and you were alone. No wife. No kids. Just you." He said smart, "So would you like to tell me about that?"

Is hoko my head, "I didnt do anything! I saw her at  the park, about a week or two ago. I took my daughter when my wife was out of town. Thats when I relized she had my son."

"Your son?" He asked kinda of shocked.

I nodded my head, "I didnt know I had one."

"Well, sorry to hear that, but you might be going away for a long time." He told me.

I covered my face with my hands. I tried to fight back tears, but the thought of never seeing my kids again, killed me. I didnt want to miss Alice growing up. I just got back in Jayden's life, I didnt want to leave him again. I litterly felt my heart breaking.

"Brian." The agent mummled, "I dont think you could have done this, but evidents says you did."

I looked at him and whipped my face, shaking my head, "I've had my fair share of trouble back in the day with drugs, but I never murdered someone. Speically now, that I have two kids. I just got my son back and my ex wife has been snooping in my house while I was asleep or away."

"Wait," He said stopping me, "You said that ex wife snuck into your place?"

I nodded my head.

"I think, we can get you out of this. How do you know it was your ex wife?" He asked me.

I looked at him kinda confused, "Her sister. I heard them talking on the phone about it. She told me to be carefull."

"Alright. It might take a while and I might have to keep you in here, but we will figure this out." He told me.

I sighed in relief, "Why do I have to stay in here?"

"Because, if the real killer is out, he will kill again." He explained, "You being in here, just proves more, it wasnt you. Trust me."

I leaned back in my chair and looked at the table for a long minute before I spoke again.

"Can I see my family?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "We'll see about getting them in here, but can you get her sister to speak on your behalf?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I might. Can I make a phone call?"

He stood up from the table and nodded his head, "You get one shot."

I followed him out the door and he took me to a phone. I gave him the number to call and he dialed it, handing me the phone

*Phone conversation.*

Matt: Dude, are you okay?

Me: I think I can get out of this, but I need help.

Matt: Anything, name it.

Me: I hate to ask, but I need to talk to Valary.

Matt: Alright.. here.

Val: Brian, what is it?

Me: You know how I herd your phone call with Mich?

Val. Mhm

Me: I told the FBI about it. The think shes trying to frame me or apart of it. I dont know, but I have to stay in here until another killing pops up. And in court they need you to testafi on my behalf about Michelle calling you, telling you what she did.

Val: Brian, thats my sister. I cant.. She wouldnt do that.

Me: Val, please, im begging you. I dont want to be locked up from my kids.

Val: Alright Brian, but im not doing it for you. Im doing it for Jayden and Alice.

Me: Thank you, can I please talk to Cyndy?

Val: Of course.

Me: Thank you

Cyndy: Brian! Please tell me your alright.

Me: Yes I am baby, please listen to me for a momment. Val is going to help me get out of here. It has something to do with Michelle.

Cyndy: I swear to god if I see her, I'll kill her.

Me: Dont talk like that.

Cyndy: Sorry.

Me: I'll be out of here soon. Tell Jayden and Alice I love them. Dont let them know where I am. Maybe tell Jayden? But Alice, no, please.

Cyndy: I wont, promise.

Me: Good. I love you, so much. I miss you. You are my whole world!

Cyndy: I love you too, forever and a day. Come home soon, please?

Me: Come see me soon. I'll tell them to call you as soon as I can have vistors.

Cyndy: I'll be there.

Me:  Cyndy, I'm sorry for all this.

Cyndy: Dont be. Its okay love.

Me: I have to go.

Cyndy: I have new to tell you..

Me: What is it?

Cyndy: It can wait till I come see.

Me: Okay.. I love you, bye.

Cyndy: I love you too, bye..

*End phone conversation.*

I hung the phone up and felt like crying again. I hated hearing the hurt in her voice, but I was so glad Val was going to help me with this. I owed her, big time.

"Haner, you have a vistor." Agent Rossi said escorting me out of the phone room and into another.

I looked at him funny, "Who is it?"

"Michelle Dibenedetto" He said exiting the room as I took a seat.

My eyes got wide as I watched the door re open after Rossi left. Michelle walked in and she looked like a mess. She looked up set and full of guilty. I couldnt wait to hear what she was about to say.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now