Chapter Twenty

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9 months later..

"Guys!" I yelled walking into the waiting room, "Brian Haner the third is here!"

Matt jumped up and hugged me, "Congrats dude!"

"Yea, congrats." Zacky said patting my back.

I couldnt stop smiling.

"Thank you guys, it measn alot. Do you guys want to meet him?" I asked.

"Im first!" Johnny yelled jumping up and rushing out of the room.

I shook my head and laughed, taking him back to the room Cyndy was in.

After all my friends had seen him, everyone left, execpt my Dad and Step mom.

"Are you sure you dont want us to stay?" My step mom asked.

I laughed and looked Alice and Jayden asleep, "Im sure. Its not my first child."

"Yeah, honey," My dad said, "We have two grankids to take care of right now."

"Thank you." I told him, "But before you go, I want them to meet their brother."

He nodded his head and I walked over to my kids.

"Alice, Jayden," I said nudging them, "Wake up."

"Is he here?!" Alice yelled jumping up looking around.

I nodded my head.

"Can we meet him?" Jayden asked.

I nodded my head again, "Come on."

I took there hands and lead them back to the room.

Cyndy was sitting up on the bed, with her hair up in a mess, holding our new son. And she couldnt have looked better. I sat the kids down in the chair near the bed and took our son from Cyndy.

"Now, becareful." I said putting him in Alice's hands.

She awed and held onto him tightly, like a good big sister.

I picked him back up and handed him to Jayden.

"Hey little guy, I'm your big brother." Jayden told him, "Im the one thats goint to protect you. As long as you help me protect your sister."

I looked at Cyndy and she had small tears form in her eyes.

"Okay, tomorrow, you guys can come back and see Brian all you want, okay?" I told them, taking the baby back.

The nodded their heads and my dad walked in the room.

"You kids ready?" He asked looking at Jayden and Alice.

They shook their heads no and climb on the bed with their mother.

"Give mommy a hug, then leave with grampa okay? Your baby brother and mother need their rest." I told them.

The each hugged Cyndy, then willingly left with my dad.

I gave little Brian back to Cyndy and sat on the bed with her.

"Can you believe it?" She asked me looking at our son, "We have a boy!"

I kissed her head and held my sons finger, "I cant believe it."

"I love you Brian Haner the third," She said kissing our sons nose, "Dont tell your siblings, but your mommy's favorite right now.

I laughed, "Daddy loves you son."

"I love you, Brian Haner, JR." Cyndy laughed looking at me.

I laughed and kissed her, "And I love you, Cyndy Haner."

"I like the sound of that." She smiled.

I snugged closed to her, holding onto her tight with one arm behind her and the other, helping her hold our son. She rested her head on my chest and held out son close to her.

I couldnt be more happier with my little family. I couldnt believe how far we've come and what we've been threw. Me fightnig for Cyndy. Almost giving my life, because I thought I would never have her. If I had done that, I wouldnt have my three beauitful kids. The trouble with Michelle I went threw to get Jayden back. Being arrested. All of it, was worth it to have this amazing out come. No more problems. No more pain. No more Tension. Just one, happy family.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now