Chapter One

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"Are you sure you wanna go with Val?" I asked Cyndy, my loving wife.

She nodded her head, "She wants me to come alone. She needs help with Owen and River. Plus, I promised her last week."

"Well fuck." I mumbled, "I'll see you tonight then?"

She shook her head no, "Tomorrow after noon."

"And Matt cant go?" I asked, trying to get her to stay.

She sighed, "He has a meeting for the video game tomorrow."

"Well, I guess have fun at the wedding." I said kissing her as I walked her to the door.

She handed me our daughter, Alice, after she gave her a huge and kiss goodbye, then went out the door to catch a cab with Val.

"I guess its just you and me huh sweety?" I said to Alice, walking into the kitchen.

I sat her down on the kitchen counter and she smiled at me.

"Juice?" She asked.

I nodded my head and handed her a juice box from the fridge.

"How about we go to the park?" I asked her.

She quickly nodded her head all excited.

Once I got Alice all ready, I took her out to the park. There was none there, so I got on the play ground and played with her till a few kids showed up. I left her to play as I sat on one of the empty benches alone, checking some demons on my phone I had recorded the night before.

"Daddy look!" Alice yelled at me as she went down the slide.

I smiled at her and clapped as she raced back up the latter.

I looked aroud and saw the cars passing by down the street. I started to really miss my wife. I hated she would be gone for a whole night. It was her first night really far away from Alice, besides her sleep overs at Matt's, but he just lives a few streets down.

As I put my phone up and was about to get Alice to tell her it was time to go, I noitced somene. Not just anyone, it was Michelle. My ex wife. I havent seen her since the fight. But it was weird, she moved to LA, why is she here? In Huntington Beach?

I shook the thought from my head and decided I would go speak to her before I got Alice. I wanted to apoligize for how things ended. I felt bad still. But as I walked toward her, a kid, a little older then Alice, ran up to her. She picked him up then looked over at me. She was in shock when we meet each others gaze. I looked at the boy and couldnt believe what I saw. He looked, like me.

Tension (Sequel to She Made Me Fall In Love)Where stories live. Discover now