Chapter 3

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"Harry where do you go?" he doesn't look at me, he doesn't look at me with the most beautiful shades of green eyes because there not green anymore, there brown. "Are you staying tonight Harry?" he doesn't say anything "Do you want to have sex Harry?" he looks at me; bring me back your green eyes Harry please, I don't like them brown "No" "It's okay Harry, you're not doing anything wrong" he cries and it only seems logical that I do to, so there we sat a beautiful black and white mess. We worked though because both of us knew this and I didn't mind because Harry loves me so we don't need a family.

9:30 on a Tuesday night and I'm not tired and Harry is taking a bath. What does he think about, I want to know what goes through his head because I have no idea; I don't understand my Harry, my sweet and beautiful Harry, where did go? I miss you Harry. "Andy?" I break my gaze from the scenery of London in the winter where snow is falling outside.

It's not a home.

 "I wish this was a home" "It is love, it's got you and me that's our home" no I want to say but instead I smile at the beautiful brown eyed boy who used to have green eyes that I miss so much with a towel hanging around his waste "want to go get waffles Harry?" "I'm tired baby, how about we just sleep?" "but I want waffles" Harry ignores me but it's okay we worked "okay lets sleep then."

It's 9:30 on a Tuesday night and I'm not tired but Harry is, so we go to bed.

I look at him as he sleeps and wonder how many more nights i have with him before he leaves again. Come back old Harry, why did you have to go? I leave the sleeping beautiful Harry and don't bother changing from Harry's shirt because it smells like him and sometimes I forget what that smell is so I hug it tighter to my body. I grab a jacket and don't even bother with shoes because It's now 11:30 on a Tuesday night and it doesn't really matter.

The beep when you walk into a grocery at 11:30 on a Tuesday night is loud and disturbing and I wish it would please be quite because I'm trying to remember which isle they keep the waffles in and I can't think because Harry is at home asleep and I should be there soaking up the time I have with him before he goes away again. The floor is cold as my feet carry them across every isle because i can't remember which isle they were in so i gave up and decided to go through them all. Does Harry not remember? Does he need to go through other people, to leave and forgot for awhile before he finds what he's looking for but I'm not too sure because I want to know what goes through his head because I have no idea.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!"a statement with yet again a sorry tumbles out of my mouth as I run into someone who I didn't even notice because my mind was on Harry, but isn't it always  "That's okay love" blue eyes, he has blue eyes and Harry now has brown eyes, Harry calls me 'love' please don't call me that "I'm Niall" so different then Harry "Andy" he smiles and nods; blonde hair, Harry has brown hair and brown eyes they used to be green not anymore "You look a little lost, and I happen to be a regular shopper here so maybe I could help?" I stare at the boy and then I laugh because he was funny and he wasn't even trying, harry and I rarely laugh anymore, come back harry I miss you "Waffles, I'm looking for waffles" he smiles even wider then he already was "ah happens to be a personal favorite of mine, come on I'll show you where there kept" so we walk to a isle I had already been through but then again maybe not because I wasn't really paying attention, too busy thinking Harry is at home asleep and I should be there soaking up the time I have with him before he goes away again.

"Here are your waffles Andy" I smile at the blue eyed blonde haired boy "Thank you" and now it's 11:54 on a Tuesday night and I'm really craving waffles and thinking about Harry and talking to a blue eyed, blonde haired boy "hey Andy?" "yes" "are you okay?" I just stare at the boy, I just stare at Niall because I'm not big on lying but It's what im surrounded by and I want to cry because I don't wear lipstick and I want to cry over brown eye's because green ones are my favorite and harry's aren't anymore "no" I smile in spite of saying that because it's okay, we worked "want to go get waffles" and for a second I was confused because I already had waffles but I nodded anyway because why not.

"Do you like your waffle?" Niall asked me with pure concern that I wouldn't like the pre-made waffle from the shop down from the grocery store that cost next to nothing but he still seemed concerned "yes I do thank you" he smiled at me with his straight white teeth and I wondered if he had ever had braces to get them like that "why aren't you okay?" I laughed at the blue eyed blonde haired boy "I'm in love" and he understood and that's so sad to me "It's okay though because I don't mind, Harry loves me so we don't need a family and he always comes back and the lipstick stains come out eventually" Niall doesn't pity me, I don't pity me, Harry pity's me which is just so sad.

"Happy Wednesday" Niall smiles and I laugh because he's a little late, it's 12:16 and Harry's still at home asleep and I had my waffle so im not craving them anymore.

"Come home with me" Niall asked me "but I'm in love" "I know" he's so calm "Okay" so I go home with Niall because I'm in love but he's sleeping at 12:16 on Wednesday and there's still a lipstick stain that hasn't come out yet.

THIRD CHAPTER!!!! So Niall is now in the story, im not sure if he's gonna be in it forever but for now he's here ahhaha i hoped you guys like it and let me know what you think!! :)

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