Chapter 4

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Naruto's P.O.V.

"Damn it, Sai! What do I do?" I said.

We were standing to the side in front of the east gate that lead into the village. Kakashi sensei had just given us boring guard duty today because there weren't any other higher rank missions. 

Sai smiled, ya know, his smile that looks completely fake. But I knew he was enjoying my agony. 
"I don't know. Why didn't you talk to her for the rest of the date yesterday?"

"I told you already, there was just that awkward moment of staring at each other, I don't know... But it's not like we didn't talk at all, it was just like we didn't know what to say. Like, I said goodbye to her after I walked her home, and she 'Yes, see you later' with a smile but I could tell it was fake." I blurred out in response od Sai's question.  

Sai seemed more confused. "Could I ask why there was that awkward moment of staring at each other?"

"W-Well..." I started. "I think, she started looking at me because I was looking at her or something like that."

"And why were you looking at her?"

"Oh I don't know Sai, " I started sarcastically. "Because she was the only person in front of me!"

Sai kept an emotionless face. "But why in her eyes?"

"What? I don't know! It doesn't matter!" I looked at my wrist to see the time. "Look Sai, it's time to get off duty. We don't need to stand here all day. Our duty is done."

I started to walk away when Sai simply said, "But you aren't even wearing a watch?" 

I didn't care. Our duty had to have been done or at least close to being done so I was out of here. Sai wasn't help at all, but I mean, what else should have I expected? It's Sai.

I was walking through the village heading for Ichiraku Ramen when I heard my name being called out. 

"Hey, Naruto!" It was Sakura. I turned around to see her walking towards me, waving. It had  a few days since I had talked to Sakura since there weren't many team missions anymore.

 I smiled back to her trying to cover up my agony. 

She seems like she's in a good moodMaybe I should ask Sakura what I should do. I thought but then shook my head. No way, she'll kill me if she found out I ruined the date because of something like that. I just won't bring the subject up. 

Once she caught up to me I continued to walk towards Ichiraku Ramen.

" did you date go with Hinata last night?"

Dang it. How did she figure that out. Rrr, so much for not bringing up the subject.

"Oh, you knew. I'm assuming Hinata told you." I said with worry, praying that Hinata told her about the date before the actual date.

Sakura had a serious look on her face now. "Naruto? Did something happen? You're acting weird. Did you get in a fight with Hinata or something?"

"U-uh" I was searching my mind for an answer for a few seconds.

"Naruto what did you do?" She seemed mad now.

"What no! You jumping to conclusion ya know? Nothing happened! Nothin, nothing at all."

"Well, if you defending yourself that  much it has to be SOMETHING."

She made a point there. But I wasn't about to tell her what happened. It was really nothing. Hinata and I didn't get into a fight. All we did was stare at each other for 2 seconds and put each other in an awkward situation, we didn't know what to say next. So, we just kept quiet. Really nothing. But Sakura was already thinking that something terrible happened. 

I didn't say anything, I just shook my head. 

Sakura sighed. "Then we are you acting like this, blockhead."

Right when she said that, we arrived at Ichiraku's and I sat down. Sakura followed me in, and sat down beside me as I had my forehead on the table in disappointment.

 Before Mr. Teuchi could speak I said, "You know what to get for me pops." 

He hesitated. "What's wrong Naruto? You're acting a little down."

"It's nothing." I lied.

"Ok...uh... And you Sakura. What can I get for you."

"Oh no, sorry Mr. Teuchi I just followed Naruto here because I'm trying to find out what's going on with him."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll get you your ramen then Naruto."

I still had my head down on the table. How could something SO SMALL become such a BIG PROBLEM. All I did was look at the person right in front of me for  2 seconds too long and now this. Honestly damn it, why? 

"Ok Naruto, while your waiting for your ramen you going to tell me what's going on." Sakura said.

I lifted my head but still stared down at the table. "It's nothing Sakura. Nothing happened last night during the date it's--"

"I can see right through your lies. Now what happened last night?" She cut me off. 

"Look, we didn't get in a fight nothing happen the actual meal was fine, we chatted and nothing was wrong." I sighed out because I couldn't take it anymore. "The only reason I'm like this is because Sai was bugging and making me feel worse about it, that's all."

Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Heck if I believe that. When we were younger and everybody hated you because of the nine tailed fox, you weren't bothered... You have an over enthusiastic attitude that gets annoying. Something Sai says to you, can't affect you. Why are you lying Naruto? Something must have happened."

Great! What on earth! What I am supposed to say?'There was an awkward two seconds of staring at each other and that ruined our date...oh and why you ask I was staring at her? Because I was thinking about proposing to her soon.' Is that what I'm suppose to say to Sakura?... As if! I panicked inside my head. 

I didn't answer. When Mr. Teuchi gave me my ramen, I left the money on the table and walked away not even bothering to eat it. I needed to get things straight. Everything was just all over the place! And this point I was trying to figure where and when would I propose, or even if I should. With Sakura and Mr. Teuchi trying to figure out what was wrong with me, really wasn't helping. 

I continued to walk. "First I'll go home and have some instant ramen in peace." I started talking to myself. "And then I'll think this through."



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