Chapter 14

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"NO! Everyone close your eyes!!!" It was Katsuo. "This is there genjutsu!! Don't look at the fog!"

But it was already too late, I had already looked into the fog. I still closed my eyes but when I opened them...

I opened my eyes and I was standing in a room. There were no lights. Instead there were torches lit up all around the room. One of the torches caught my eye because it had blue fire unlike the others. I started to stare into it when I felt like I was being drawn towards it like a magnet. Before I even took a step, I came to my senses and shook my head fiercely.

"No, no, no dang it! You're in a Genjutsu Naruto!" I scolded myself. And then I remembered what Kakashi sensei had told us before we went on the mission. 

"No matter how strong you may be, once you're caught in the genjutsu you're done...There's no getting out, or at least from what I've heard."

I shook the thought out of my head and slammed my hands together."Release!" I screamed making an attempt to break the genjutsu but it didn't work.

"Release!" I repeated.


"Release, Release, Release, RELEASE!!! Rrrrrrr, why won't it workkkk!?!?!?!?" 

After a few more attempts I finally gave up on trying to get out of the genjutsu that way. I looked around in the room at all the torches and thought it was so weird how one was blue.

"As long as I'm in the genjutsu...I'm alive." I sighed to myself.

I began to walk towards the blue torch because for some reason like I said I felt I was being drawn to it. As I walked towards the blue torche I stared at it until I was right in front of it. I then took my right hand and touched the torche.

Something I knew I was going to regret...

In an instant I was brought up into the sky...I was in the sky over...the leaf village? What the heck am I doing over the leaf village?!?! I couldn't move. I was just standing there up in the sky, not too far up, probably a few meters above the tallest building in Konoha...But what I saw what was happening to the village...terrified me

I saw many buildings being destroyed by bits and pieces of the moon falling from space! Fire was everywhere, people being trapped under houses that were falling down, little kids crying running around all over the place, blood running from people's bodies...a disaster! Many shinobi were doing everything they could to prevent pieces of the moon falling on the villages but most of it, couldn't be helped. As more and more fell, more and more of the village was being destroyed. Then, I spotted Konohamaru, trying to evacuate academy student to a safer place. I saw Sakura punch away huge rocks that began to fall down. I saw Lee carrying two children on his back out of a burning house. 

What the hell's going on??!!?

I then saw the great stone faces being destroyed by meteorites causing a huge landslide, rocks falling on many civilians, more than like taking their lives.

"NO!!!!" I screamed. I tried walking again but I felt like I was on a treadmill. I walked and then ran but got nowhere. I could turn around but all I would see is the village being destroyed. I turned to my left, then my right reaching out my hands hoping there was something I could grab and move closer to the ground, but there was nothing. I stood there in the sky, watching my village being destroyed.

"I have to get down there!!!!!" At this point... I was even thinking straight, my head was hurting so much. I bent down a little and gripped my hand on my head so hard I teared a few hairs out. Then I started seeing more visions, flashing through my mind, but one of of them I just couldn't take. I saw Toneri, taking Hinata by force and abusing her. Punching her, kicking her. I then saw him slam her into a cage as Hinata fell unconscious inside with blood all over her.

"HINATA!!!!!!" I screamed still not even looking around. My eyes were shut but all I could see was disaster, disaster everywhere! My head hurt more and more until...

Everything went silent...






Then everything just went black.   

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