Chapter 5

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I sat down at my table after pouring the boiling hot water into my ramen. I started to blow on my ramen to cool it down.

"What to do, what to do..." I said, taping my chopsticks again the rim of the bowl.

Without even thinking I grabbed a bunch of noodles with my chopsticks and put it in my mouth.

"HOTTTTTT!" I screamed standing out of my chair, spitting them out. I panted and looked up at the ceiling.

Honestly...Maybe I should go talk to Iruka Sensei.

I sat back down and stared into my ramen. 

"No...I'm gonna make this decision myself." I said.

After eating my ramen I went outside and went for a walk in the night. Surprisingly, even during the night, there were still a lot of people. People laughing, screaming, arguing and just talking. It wasn't dark at all because many restaurants and store were still open. Most of the sound came from the bars, not so much the stores.

As I walked around I noticed the same signs appearing again and again. Posters I should say...They were hung up everywhere.

I went towards one that was taped up on the window of a small clothes shop. "A big Festival? Next weekend?" I said to myself.

Right when I was about to read the description of this 'Big Festival' that I had never heard about, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"That'z right sonny, there's a big celebration going on. It's the feudal lord's birthday." It was an old man...Never have I ever seen him before.

"O-Oh?" I said looking down at the old man. 

He shook his head. "Not the current feudal lord though. Lord Daimyo. He unfortunately died two months ago, so this is the first year. Many shinobi and people loved him. He has many family members too, and they wish for some sort of celebration for him."

That's right! I had heard that the feudal lord had passed away...Whoops, I... didn't even know his name.

I frowned. "Oh right. I see ok. Thanks old man." I said looking back at the poster.

The old man started to walk away but then only ended up taking two steps forward before turning towards me.

"By the way," he started and I turned around to face him. "Are you Naruto Uzumaki? The hero of the 4th Great Ninja War?"

I froze. I didn't know why, but today I didn't feel like having a bunch of people give me gifts and especially from girls. I already have a girlfriend and I hated it when girls try to flirt with me. And to my luck it seemed like a group of three girls, just a few meters away had heard this old man's question, and has stopped to stare, waiting for me to answer.

I scratched the back of my neck. "N-No, I'm not." I lied

The old man raised his eyebrow. "Really?" He said observing me carefully.

The girls were still looking, they seemed confused. I was really getting popular these days.

I put my hood up, zipped my sweater to the very top and turned away from the old man, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, really. Uh, I get that a lot. Many people think I look like him ya know? Umm. I gotta go sorry."

And then speed walked away. Far away. Then I started to run, letting out my frustration. Not because of the old man, but just in general. I've been really busy lately with missions and hadn't got time to think things through. After running for a bit for no reason I stopped to catch my breath. And then I realized my feet had taken me in front of the Hyuga compound. I stood there for a few moments, thinking about the festival, and then thinking about Hinata

Wait a minute...I...could ask Hinata to-

"Naruto?" I was cut off of my own thoughts when I heard a voice behind me call out my name. I turned around, and to my luck, it was Hinata. I mean, what was I suppose to expect? After all I was basically in front of her house. 

"H-Hey, Hinata. What's up?" I asked remembering our date and how awkward it was. 

"Nothing really." She started with a clearly confused look on her face. "Why are you here Naruto. Did you need to talk to me?"

"No." I answered quickly.

"Oh. Ok." She frowned. "Then why are you here?" Hinata asked.

"Why am I here?" I raised an eyebrow wondering what she meant by it.

"In front of my house." She explained.

Oh right! Dang it, I had almost forgot. Bad Naruto, bad. Why am I here...think of something, think of something!

"N-" I was about to say 'No reason' but then realized that that would be pointless and then I'd have even more explaining to do.

"Sorry what was that?" Hinata asked.

So after that I said and did the first things that came to my mind. Probably the best thing I had to do.

I bowed my head a little and said, "Sorry about what happened. Uh, the date. I was thinking about stuff and, and didn't really know what so I-" But then I was cut off with Hinata's index finger on my lips. Three seconds after I stopped she had that look on her face realizing what she had just did. She immediately took her finger off and blushed...hard.

"Y-You don't apologize for something like that. D-Don't. It's fine really." She said with a small smile.

"Right, um. So basically uh, I wanted to ask you something. To uh...uh. Yeah. I have a question."

She tilted her head sideways in confusion at my extreme stuttering. I mean, I don't blame her. Since when was I the one stuttering?

"Yes?" She replied.

"So, uh. Did you see the stuff about the festival?"

She nodded. "Yes I did. Seems like it's going to be a big celebration."

"Yeah, seems like it's going to be a lot of"

She waited patiently for me to answer.

"Did you want to come with me? I can make up for the last time we went out." I blurred out.

She smiled. A genuine smile. "I told you don't have to worry about that Naruto."
Then she blushed. "But I would love to go with you."

I felt my whole body just drop in relief. "Thanks so much."

She shook her head. "Don't thank me Naruto...Thank you." She said then looked away to her house. "Please excuse me, Naruto. But I should get going.  My father is waiting."

"Oh right, sorry! Go on. I'll see you later, ya know!" I took a step to the side gesturing for her to leave. 

She turned around to me looking directly into my eyes and blushed. "I'll see you at the festival-o-or sooner."

I nodded. "Yeah."

She started to walk away but I was unsatisfied. I ran up to her and turned her around gently to face me and I kissed her on the forehead. After that I smiled and walked away leaving her red as a tomato. 

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