Chapter 9

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"Hinata...I have something very important to say..." I said then I very slowly started to bend down and I put my hand in my pocket to grab the ring and--WAIT! Where was the ring?! I stood straight up and started to pat myself down trying to find the ring.

"N-Naruto?" She was so confused now.

Damn it, NO! Where is it?

I started looking side to side on the grass hoping to see. I was still standing in front of Hinata. Then I turned around all the way looking behind be down on the grass while still checking my pockets.

Nothing!?!?!?!? Where is it? WHERE IS IT!

"What's wrong Naruto? Did you lose something."

I froze at the question and turned my head slowly towards her questioning face. I didn't know what to say. I was definitely not going to tell her I lost a proposal ring.  

She patiently waited for my answer.

This one was a lot harder to get out of since there was not going to be a waitress here to give us desert.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Uh no!...Uh actually, yeah. I did lose something. Um..."

Could this go any worse? 

"Um...What did you lose N-Naruto? I could help you find it."

I sighed. Loudly. And gave her a sheepish smile. "I uh, lost..." I started tapping my foot for an answer.

Kurama help me here!..........



Crap. Are you sleeping or ignoring me?

I then gave up trying to ask Kurama for some help.

So I just blurted the first thing that could make sense that came into my mind. 

"Right, uh. Haha. I lost this. This small flower I was gonna give you that I found y-yesterdayyyy and um...Well seems like I either, didn't bring it, or I lost it. Sorry." I put my head down in shame. I WAS ashamed. How could I lose something so valuable...Not flower, but a RING! A really expensive ring! 

She shook and giggled lightly. "Oh Naruto, you should see yourself."


She blushed. "It's ok. This night together. The festival. I couldn't ask for anymore. I'm very thankful to you Naruto, seriously. Thank you."

And then she hugged me

I hugged her back and tried to set up a smile so I didn't look all miserable about a flower.

This...was embarrassing

If only you knew Hinata...But now... I can't propose. I had everything set up perfectly...but...The ring may have fallen out of my pocket when I was playing games with Kiba and Lee... I can't believe I messed up.

~The next morning~ 

I opened my eyes as I felt the sun's warm rays cover me. I groaned and turned around so my face was on my pillow. Last night could have been perfect. I lost the ring and the worst part was I never did find. After I walked Hinata home I looked all over the place where the festival took place. I even used Shadow Clones but still couldn't find it. I lost something so expensive and I was just so miserable. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed only because I wanted ramen. Ramen always helped for situations like this, but truth be told I couldn't say that. I've never been in a situation like this.

I waited for the water boil when I heard Kurama's voice

Hah! Seems your attempt to propose has really made you miserable. Kurama said.

"What did you say!?!?! This isn't funny Kurama! And you could have helped me last night!"

I don't want to get caught up in your business. You deal with your girlfriend. Plus, even if I did help you come up with lie it wouldn't have changed anything. You still didn't have a ring. You're completely hopeless.

"Shut up! You still didn't have to ignore me!" I said to Kurama.


I finished making my instant ramen and sat down at the table and chowed down...

"What am I supposed to do now?"

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