Chapter 0: Oh no!

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Shenron: Your wish has been granted... farewell.
Shenron would then glow brightly before disappearing and the dragon balls scattered across the earth yet again.

Vegeta: Good. Now our bloodline shall live on untainted. Vegeta would say as he turns to a confused and slightly concerned Goku, Chi-Chi, and Bulma.

Vegeta would have laid the dragon balls out onto the floor as he said the incantation to summon Shenron.
Vegeta: Mighty Shenron, by your name I summon you forth!

With that Shenron would appear in front of the group as he said.

Shenron: I shall grant any one wish. Please state your wish now. He would say as he stared down at Vegeta.

Vegeta: I wish for any offspring of full blooded Saiyans to stay full blooded Saiyans. So that they are not tainted by other DNA.

Goku and the others would gasp at this and before they could interject, Shenron's eyes would glow, then we would arrive at the present date and time.

**Flashback End**

Goku and the others stared at Vegeta in disbelief as Bulma yelled at him

Bulma: Why the hell did you go and do that for?! Our kids are perfect as they are!

Vegeta: Hmph! You think I don't know that already? Our children are great, yes. But I wish to revive the heritage of the full blooded Saiyan race. Not the half breeds we sire that have no sense of pride. Hah! The only half Saiyan child who shows even an ounce of pride would be Trunks! So that make's my children superior to yours Kakarot!

Chi-Chi would intervene as she yelled at Vegeta.

Chi-Chi: You wanna day that to my face Vegeta?! My kids are way better than yours! Isn't that right Goku?!

Goku: Uuuh? This was all Goku could muster to say as he was still very confused and Bulma had cut him off before he could begin to speak.

Bulma: What the hell was that Chi-Chi?! My children are way better than yours! And to prove it! Vegeta! She would then grab Vegeta by his armor as she dragged him away saying.

Bulma: We're going to the bedroom! Let's show them our full blooded Saiyan child will be better than theirs!

Bulma, still dragging Vegeta, was now fully on board with the full blooded Saiyan children wish that way she could prove Chi-Chi wrong.

Chi-Chi: Oh no you don't! We're gonna have the better child! Let's go Goku! She would then drag him home to Goku's dismay.

**Timeskip 14 years** (Cause fuck that, you all don't wanna see your parents fucking do you? Ew... disgusting... anyways.)

14 years had passed since that fateful day Vegeta made that wish. And as promised, Goku and Chi-Chi sired yet another child, a boy they happily named Son (Y/N). Since he was a full blooded Saiyan like his father, he would constantly train with his father Goku, or how Vegeta told him to call him since they were all full blooded Saiyans there, Kakarot. After years and years of training, (Y/N) had proved to have the greatest potential amongst all of the children, the one with the second most potential was Imoya, Vegeta's youngest daughter, she was the same age as (Y/N). They were both best friends with each other and Majin Buu's children, surprisingly he could have children. So they'd all train together as they knew each other better as friends, rivals, and sparring partners. Unfortunately, a new threat had risen in the world. Zamasu somehow returned through the use of the super dragon balls, and he used them again to wish for Veggeto's exact body. Upon doing so he would have headed to earth as Veggeto Black and would begin attacking the earth, attracting the attention of the z-fighters, especially Goku and Vegeta. They would all head over to fight with this new Black. But he proved too much for them as he wasted no time as he did previously. He would rush at Goku and Vegeta with a ki blade ready as he stabbed Goku in the heart and went for Vegeta. However, Vegeta was too quick for him as he had barely dodged the attack, and the sight of seeing her father fighting an evil version of her's and (Y/N)'s fathers' fusion made her blood boil. She was about to charge in but was held back by an infuriated (Y/N) as he motioned fir her to look at Goku as Goku was holding his hands out telling them to stop. Goku at this point was barely alive as Vegeta was getting pummeled by Vegetto Black now, only due to him turning Rosé before Vegeta could go Blue. Then in words I can't describe because they are so gruesome, Vegeta was murdered by Vegetto Black. Goku, just barely able to get up would try to activate Ultra Instinct Omen, but would fail as Vegetto Black stabbed him in the chest again and told Goku he was going to kill everyone slowly and painfully. This infuriated Goku, but that rage only burned out what tiny bit of life he had left as he had died in Black's arms. Black would soon charge at the rest of the z-fighters only to be stopped by Whis using his staff to throw Black back. Beerus would then tell Whis to protect the z-fighters because he wanted to kill Black for what he did to Goku and Vegeta, he'd never openly admit it, but he favored them and saw them as friends of sorts, even if they did fear him. So Beerus would begin to mutilate Black as he used 100% from the start, throwing Black into the air before using a Hakai to erase Black yet again. It was a bitter sweat victory for everyone as the Son family and Briefs family alike were mourning the loss of Goku and Vegeta.


It's been 3 years since the deaths of Goku and Vegeta, they both had decided to stay in otherworld as they explained their presence brought trouble through their power alone. So they asked Beerus to protect the earth for them and he would agree quite easily to everyone's surprise. They would then ask Whis a favor in training their youngest children, (Y/N) and Imoya. Whis would happily accept them as his new students as Goku and Vegeta said their last goodbyes to everyone as Goku said he loved everyone and would miss them. Vegeta would reluctantly do the same as he had Imoya make a promise to him, to find a mate as kind as Bulma is, cause Vegeta would kill anyone who treated his daughter wrong. This embarrassed Imoya and Bulma as they blushed at this and Vegeta said goodbye.

1164 Words, Wow!
This concludes chapter 0. I hope you all liked it. I'll begin chapter 1 on Tuesday afternoon, maybe 1-2 PM PST. Welp... see you guys later!

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