Chapter 13: Big Three and fighting Mirio?!

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Lets fucking goooo!!!!!
Class 1-A began to wake up in their dorm rooms as they did their daily routines. Soon they would get to class and would chat before Aizawa walked in and told them to quiet down.

Aizawa: Now that we've resumed our normal school schedule, we'll begin talking about internships. Please come in. He said as the door slid open and he continued to talk.

Aizawa: We'll have people who've experienced it first hand tell you how these are different from your first internships. Listen carefully. The three third years at U.A who stand at the top of all current U.A students... Also known as the big three. He said as the three students had walked in and stood at the front of the classroom.

Kaminari: The top U.A students...

Mina: Big Three!

Iida: The crown among the splendid U.A students...

Yaoyorozu: The ones closest to pro heroes among us...

(Y/N) would then stand up as his Saiyan impulses took over.

Y/N: You three are the strongest right?! Let's put that to the test!

Iida: (Y/N)! Treat our upperclassmen with respect and don't just challenge them right away!

Aizawa: Ugh... it's too early for this.

Ciri: Well, it is in Saiyan biology for them to want to challenge the strongest people in the area. So I don't really blame him for wanting to fight them, but I do blame him for not waiting.

Everyone would sigh as soon Imoya was standing up too with a cocky smile.

Imoya: We'll take the spots of the big three, cause we're gonna be the strongest in the multiverse like out fathers!

This began to confuse the big three as (Y/N) agreed with her before realizing what she'd just done.

Y/N: Imoya... did you just say the multiverse?

Imoya: Yeah, why? Something wrong? Oh crapbaskets...

The blue haired girl would then speak up.

Blue hair: Hi! My name is Nejire Hado, this big blond guy is Togata Mirio, and this is Tamaki Amajiki.

1-A would be thrown off by her sudden outburst.

Nejire: What's a Saiyan? Did you say multiverse? Are you the person that took out that one villain in Kamino who was fighting All Might?! She would ask these questions, starting with Ciri, then Imoya, and finally ending up at (Y/N). Her question for (Y/N) surprised the rest of the big three a great deal.

Y/N: Yeah... that was me, why?

Mirio: Wow! To have All Might need your help, you must be one strong guy!

Y/N: Hehe, yeah. You could say that. Wait! I still haven't forgotten about my challenge! I want to fight you three!

Mirio: You're very energetic! I like that! Alright then, if it's ok with EraserHead, then after we explain the hero internships, we can have that challenge. However, I want the whole class to fight me at once.

Ciri: I would advice against that. Everyone here may not look it, but they're extremely powerful in their own right. So I'd advice just fighting one for now.

Aizawa: I second that, just pick one person Mirio. I'll only allow one to go.

Mirio: Well the two who are standing up challenged me, so who do I pick?

Y/N: Imoya! Old fashioned way!

Imoya: You're on! This would confuse everyone before they saw them playing Rock Paper Scissors and (Y/N) winning. Everyone would either sigh or facepalm at the sight.

Y/N: Looks like I'm first. You better not go easy on me... senpai! He said as he made his fists clash similar to Kirishima.

**Timeskip and Scene Change**

After the big three explained how the hero internships would go, everyone made their way to the training area as (Y/N) threw his shirt off and stayed in just his gym pants. This made the girls blush as it made Kirishima call (Y/N) manly.

Ciri: Rules are, no killing, no ki blasts, and no transformations. Those were all for you (Y/N). That way Mirio you know... survives. (Y/N) would nod as what she just said concerned everyone else.

(Y/N) would then get into a fighting stance as Mirio began to charge at (Y/N). Once Mirio got close he would activate his quirk and fall through the floor before reappearing begins (Y/N) as he tried to axe kick him. (Y/N) would sense this as he grabbed his foot and threw him across the room.

Mirio: That's cool! What's that? Your quirk? He'd ask as (Y/N) chuckled and turned to class 1-A with confidence as he said nothing more.

Midoriya was writing (Y/N)'s fighting style down in his hero journal as he noticed Mirio charge at (Y/N) and go underground again. He would reappear in front of (Y/N) as he landed a solid blow on him, sending him back a couple inches.

Y/N: Wow, i almost felt that one. Well if this is the extent of your power... I'm not impressed. He said in a cocky tone which surprised everyone there as (Y/N) was never really cocky in any of his previous fights.

Imoya: (Y/N) stop it! My dad rubbed off on you too much, just finished the fight!

Y/N: You're no fun. Well whatever, hey Mirio Senpai. I'll give you one free hit, but you can't hold back. Hit me with all you can and then some. Cause if you don't, you'll regret it.

Mirio would gulp before nodding and charging at (Y/N), this time not using his quirk but just his raw strength as he slammed his fist into (Y/N)'s cheek. This sent (Y/N) back a few feet as he had to regain his footing.

Y/N: Wow... not bad Senpai. Now it's my turn. He said as he moved and flew so fast it looked like he disappeared, he would then reappear behind Mirio as he chopped his neck, knocking him out and picking him up before setting him down next to Aizawa.

Ciri: Our winner, (Y/N).

Y/N: Honestly? His full power punch could kill a regular man. Good thing I'm not regular, cause he's pretty strong himself. Oh well, maybe if we hadn't done that training for a year in Ciri's staff he might have had a chance. Ok, once he wakes up I'll explain to them about everything, it's only fair since I humiliated him. He said as Yaoyorozu walked up to him.

Yaoyorozu: Why did you act so cocky during the fight? You don't really do that.

Y/N: Oh, I only do that in sparring matches, I'll only take a fight seriously when I have to.

**Timeskip after (Y/N) explained everything**

Mirio: Now I see why you're so strong. Well, I wish you all luck in picking your internships. I'm going to change then relax since you kind of exhausted me. He said as he waved goodbye and walked off with Tamaki following him.

Nejire would have stayed behind a bit, still admiring the shirtless (Y/N) before realizing what she was doing and also running off, blushing a bit too.

To be continued!
Sorry for the short chapter today guys, but after last chapter, I'm a bit tired myself. I hope you all enjoyed still, I'll see you all next time, じゃあね!

1234 words today. Funny.

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