Chapter 19: Lord Beerus and Sparring?!

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We now continue with our regularly scheduled story.

After a long flight the cube would enter the atmosphere of Lord Beerus' planet, soon landing on the ground in front of Lord Beerus' giant tree. A minute later everyone would shuffle out of the cube to be met with beautiful scenery and four beings walking over to them. One with an orange gi, one with blue spandex and white armor, another looking like Ciri, and finally a giant purple cat.

Beerus: What, no warning when coming over? Not even asking permission? I should destroy you all for coming uninvited.

This unsettled everyone as some walked back in fear as others got ready for a fight. (Y/N), Imoya, Chimo, Ume, and Ciri merely bowed before (Y/N) walked over to Lord Beerus and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Y/N: Everyone, calm down. This is Lord Beerus, he may seem threatening, but he won't do anything to you unless you piss him off. So stay on his hood side. Fun fact about him, he's this universe's God of Destruction. His literal job being to destroy planets.

Kirishima: And you're friends with this guy?! Destroying planets is something a villain would do!

Whis: I would advise you to be cautious with your words. He may destroy worlds, but in the universe there must be balance. With creation, comes destruction. Without one, the universe would fall out of balance.

Goku: Besides, he isn't all that bad once you get to know him.

Aizawa: Hmm? Who are you all? (Y/N) said he'd be bringing us all to his home. Which he describes to look like earth in our universe just with certain differences. This doesn't look like earth.

Whis: This is Lord Beerus' planet. Only those given access by an angel or the God of Destruction residing here may grant access. So Ciri has granted you all access momentarily.

Y/N: Yeah, that's cause I wanted to see my dad. So did Imoya. As he finished that sentence the two Saiyans ran to their fathers and embraced them in a hug. (Y/N) getting a hug back immediately from Goku as Imoya got one back reluctantly after a minute from Vegeta.

Miruko: So this is my little bunny's father? It's a pleasure to meet you Mr? She'd stop herself with an outstretched hand to Goku.

Goku would release (Y/N) from their hug as did Vegeta, then Goku answered.

Goku: Hiya, my name is Son Goku. You must be my son's teachers? He said, gesturing to Aizawa, All Might, and Miruko.

All Might (He won't be in bold anymore since he can't sustain his buff form anymore.): Yes Mr. Goku, my name is Toshinori Yagi, and my hero name is All Might. Currently I'm retired due to my quirk being stripped from me. (Everyone in the BNHA universe knows All Might lost his quirk.)

Aizawa: I'm his home room teacher, Shota Aizawa. I'm also a hero, my name being EraserHead. It's good to meet you.

Miruko: I'm Rumi Usagiyama, my hero name is Miruko. I'm also more than his teacher. I'm his- She would be cut off by (Y/N) as he covered her mouth and shushed her.

Y/N: No, not here. Not yet. Secret.

He would then get off of her as everyone stared at him confused except Whis as he already knew as he'd been keeping up with the young Saiyan's progress and lives.

Vegeta: (Y/N)! Spill, what are you hiding? He asked skeptical of him with his arms crossed.

Y/N: It's nothing. I promise Vegeta. He said, obviously lying to him.

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