Chapter 1: It begins!

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I'll be thrusting our cast in the middle of the first BNHA Movie, so right before the summer camp, and after season one. So let's go!
We begin with a scene of (Y/N), Imoya, Chimo, and Ume all training with Whis on Beerus' planet as (Y/N) had convinced Whis to train Chimo and Ume with them too.

Y/N: Come here Whis! Atatatatata! (Y/N) would begin throwing punches at Whis as Whis simply dodged them and began to speak.

Whis: Come now. Please do try harder. Your father and Vegeta would be telling you to do the same correct? He finished his statement by jumping into the air as he sensed Imoya charging at him from behind. This caused Imoya and (Y/N) to clash into each other, sending each other back a couple of feet as they held the area's they each got hit at.

Chimo & Ume: Our turn to have some fun! They would say in unison as they charged at Whis with a coordinated flurry of attack, however, due to Whis' speed, he would simply dodge them and slam them into the ground with his staff as he wagged his thumb.

Whis: Although your coordination was formidable, you lack actual experience in battle. On any other fighter that may have worked, but that wasn't the case here. Let us take a rest for a while. We will continue shortly. Whis would then wave his staff over them as he healed them. Then a portal would open in the sky as five beings walked out of it.

The beings came into sight to reveal the Grand Priest, Zeno, Future Zeno, and their guards. Whis, Imoya, and (Y/N) were the first to bow to them, Chimo and Ume following shortly after before they heard Zeno speak.

Zeno: Hey hey! Where's Goku's son? I need to talk to him. He would walk forward to Whis as he asked this.

(Y/N) would hear Zeno calling for him as he walked up and bowed to him as he greeted him.

Y/N: Hello Lord Zeno. I am the son of Son Goku. Is there anything you need from me? He knew to be polite because Beerus explained about Zeno to them and it scared them, so he knew to respect the Omni King.

Zeno: Hey hey! It's ok, you don't need to call me Lord Zeno. I'd really like it if you called me Zenny like your father once did. At the mention of Goku (Y/N) was a bit saddened and so was Zeno and Future Zeno.

Y/N: R-right. Sure thing Zenny. So what can I do for you?

Zeno: Oh yeah! Grand Priest, can you please explain to (Y/N) why we're here?

Grand Priest: Of course my lord. *Ahem* Son (Y/N), we have come with a proposal for you if you're interested. See, Lord Zeno and Lord Zeno from the future have been creating different universes since the tournament of power. One of these universes is quite interesting and my lords favor this universe like they favor that of the seventh universe. So my lord wishes to know if you'd like to come visit this universe. My lord wanted me to tell you it was so he could watch your progression in this universe. See, he's been bored and quite sad since Son Goku died. Quite frankly I think we all are, but besides the point. This is more so to help keep my lords entertained. So do you accept?

This was a lot of things for (Y/N) to take in, but after a while he would nod in determination as he said.

Y/N: I'll do it! Oh! But how will we be able to get there and come back if we need to?

Then out of nowhere an angel would walk from behind one of Zeno's guards as the Grand Priest explained.

Grand Priest: This is my youngest daughter known as Ciri. She will be your guardian in the other universe. She can train you as Whis does, she can cook your meals, and protect you when necessary. I've made an exception for her since you are not a God of Destruction, but your father was favored by my lords. So Ciri will be able to help with traveling from universe to universe.

 So Ciri will be able to help with traveling from universe to universe

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(A/N: This is her btw)

Ciri would bow a full 90 degrees as she greeted everyone there and told (Y/N).

Ciri: I'm at your service sir.

(Y/N) would bow to her as well as he said back to her.

Y/N: Thank you. And there's no need to call me sir, (Y/N) is fine.

Ciri: Of course (Y/N). Now, when shall we depart?

(Y/N): Oh, um. First I have a question for you Zennys. Is it alright if I bring people with me to this universe I'm going to? It might be awkward to have it just be me and Ciri.

Zeno & Future Zeno: Oh yes! That sounds very fun! Who will you bring? Who, who? They would say in unison as even the Grand Priest was wondering who you'd bring.

(Y/N) would then turn around to face Imoya, Chimo, and Ume as he spoke up and said to them.

Y/N: So, what do you guys say to this endeavor? Care to tag along with me?

Imoya would be the first to speak up then Chimo and Ume as they looked at (Y/N) with determination in their eyes.

Imoya: Of course I'm going!

Chimo & Ume: We're going too! This sounds like fun!

(Y/N) would turn back to Ciri and the others as he said.

Y/N: Alright then. Whis can you please tell our parents? I would tell my mom myself but... she scares me more than Beerus.

Imoya: Same goes for my mom. She can be ruthless.

Whis: I'll be sure to let them know and give them both good reasons why you went. Now, I wish you all the best. Whis would say as he waved goodbye and you all grabbed onto Ciri.

A light would engulf the group as they left for the new universe as the Zenos and the Grand Priest went back to the palace to watch (Y/N) and company.

*My Timeskip is unbeatable!*

After a long flight and some explication on the universe from Ciri the group would land on what seemed to be a mechanical island that was moving. As they landed they saw the sun rising and a group of teenagers and two adults atop a skyscraper, so Ciri would land there as (Y/N) and the others stepped out from behind her.

???: More villains?! No way! Midoriya, stay back, I'll deal with them! Said a boy with spiky red hair and a suit as he hardened his skin and charged at (Y/N).

(Y/N) would simply block the blow which sent a shockwave through the air as he smirked at them and the red haired boy and his friends glared at (Y/N) and his group, the tension was thick. How will this go?!

Muhahahaha! See you all tomorrow maybe! Laters!
1201 words. Damn...

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