Chapter 17 (Part 2): Heroes rising!

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Let us continue. I'm going to start as soon as the villains are about to show up.

Everyone in class 1-A would continue their hero work on the island as (Y/N) and Imoya we're out a few times to do a bit of heavy lifting for the citizens of the island. On one of these trips of heavy lifting (Y/N) and Imoya would sense some pretty powerful and malicious energies making their way to the island. There was one thing that frightened them though, they felt many energies as if they were inside one being, the energy of Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, Frieza, and a few others like Hit, Cabba, Caulifla, Frost, and what seemed to anger the two saiyans the most, Zamasu and Goku Black's energy. The two would speed off as fast as they could to finish their current objective as they warned the civilians a threat was approaching the island and to get somewhere safe. (Y/N) would then instant transmission to the hero agency with Imoya as he yelled out and made everyone stop and stay still.

Y/N: Get ready! There's a big threat incoming! I don't want anyone slacking today, cause today we need to bring our A game. I sensed someone as strong as Imoya and I, so get your shit straightened out and ready for battle! He commanded. This threw everyone for a loop as they didn't expect a threat or (Y/N) to be so serious about it until they heard someone matched them in power. This got some of the students scared as they all scrambled and stood in a formation awaiting orders.

Y/N: Ok! Imoya and I will take the threat that matched our power. Miruko will back us up since she is very strong. Ume will back the rest of you in getting civilians to safe areas as Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, Sato, and Chimo deal with any villains they see. If you can't take them on by yourself then form groups with the others after the civilians are all safe. We've already warned them, so hopefully most if not all are already safe. Alright 1-A, get ready! Today I have a feeling we go to war! He yelled as he pumped his fist into the air to motivate everyone. This made all of 1-A worry a bit less as he formed a good plan on the spot and took charge. They would all let out their own war cry before they all dispersed into the island once they heard explosions.

**Smol Timeskip**

Everyone in 1-A had gotten the rest of the civilians to safety and were now facing off against the villains. (Y/N) was carrying Miruko in his arms as he and Imoya flew in the sky in search of the very high power level. After a few minutes they'd stop in the sky as they saw a green bug man on the ground, so they would land and (Y/N) would put down Miruko as the three entered a fighting stance.

Miruko: Tell is who the hell you are before we destroy you?! She demanded as the big man began to laugh a bit before speaking.

P is for Priceless, the look upon your faces.
E is for Extinction, of all your puny races.
R for Revolution, which will be televised, once more!
F is for how fucked you are!! Now allow me to reprise.
E is for Eccentric, just listen to my song.
C for Completion, that I achieved so long ago.
T is for the terror upon you I'll bestow...
My name is Perfect Cell, and I'd like to say...
Hello. He said in a cold and menacing tone once he turned to them.
(Yup! I brought back an OG! With some new upgrades too! 😉)

Y/N: Cell?! I thought my brother killed you?!

Cell: So that must make you Goku's latest brat. Unfortunately for you, your father and brother aren't here to save you.

Imoya: We Don't need out fathers for you. We can kill you ourselves!

Cell: Ah and you must be Vegeta's other daughter, cause Trunks was too much of a pussy to me male anyways.

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