Chapter 24: The wish and Meeting Family?!

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Bet y'all didn't expect that twist of a cliffhanger did ya?! Haha! Now let's continue!
Last time, On Son of Kakarot!
Vegeta and Goku: Raditz?! Wait, who are the other two?

Bardock: The name's Bardock. I'm your father Kakarot.

Gine: And I'm Gine, your mother. She would say in a cheerful tone.


Y/N: You said what?!

Bardock: Kakarot is my son. Gine is my wife and Raditz is our older brat. And who are you? He'd ask (Y/N), noticing he looks a lot like Kakarot.

Goku: Th-that's my youngest son... you're my dad?! And you're my mom?! Why are you guys here?!

Gine: That dragon that was here a moment ago brought us back. Saying a Gogeta wished for Kakarot's family to be brought back to life. We're your family too.

Imoya: That would explain why they're here. My father's habit of calling you by your Saiyan name rather than your earth name must be the cause. And since you're Goku and Kakarot to everyone on earth, yet only Kakarot to your parents and Raditz. Then all of your family was brought back.

Goku: Wait, if they were all brought back then grandpa Gohan would be here too, right?

Piccolo: Remember, Shenron can only bring back those who wish to return. So he might not have wanted to come back.

Vegeta: Whatever the case, now there are more Saiyans to help keep our warrior blood thriving. Although... Raditz... and Bardock was it? What say you to following earth's customs?

Raditz: Psh! You've grown soft in your years prince! Hah! What happened to destroying this waste of space years ago?

Goku: Things change Raditz. And so do people, Vegeta was no exception. Look at him now, he even protects the earth! Vegeta would grunt as he looked away, a bit embarrassed at the obvious fact he protects earth.

Raditz: Buhahaha! The prince Vegeta is protecting this backwash planet?! As he was laughing Bardock would slam his fist over Raditz head as he spoke up.

Bardock: Do you ever shut up?! Damn!

Gine: I think it's sweet you protect this planet my prince. She would bow a bit before Vegeta spoke up quickly.

Vegeta: H-hey! There's no need to bow to me. I may still be the prince but here that doesn't matter. Although I am still stronger than you Raditz, now it's just by a higher margin. Hell even the earthlings we associate ourselves with can defeat you in their sleep! Vegeta would chuckle at this as Raditz began to become angry.

Raditz: Why you?! He would charge at Vegeta, but he would be stopped by a blur, soon everyone would focus on the blur for it to be revealed to be (Y/N) as he spoke up.

Y/N: Heya Uncle Raditz. How's it going? Did you have a nice trip here? Good, good. Cause I can send you back if you even try to attack anyone, just tell me and I'll give you an express ticket. He would then push Raditz back towards Bardock as everyone stared at (Y/N), not saying a word. He was clearly still upset about seeing his family die, so he didn't want to see anyone get hurt.

Y/N: Well at least that's one less coward I'll have to worry about. Grandpa Bardock, are you gonna blindly attack like Raditz? Hell, I don't even need to ask Grandma Gine since I have a good feeling about her. Hey dad, it seems you get your nice side from her, why don't you two go catch up yeah? Cool. He said as he grabbed Goku and pulled him to Gine, allowing them to talk while (Y/N) assessed Bardock to determine if he was friend or foe.

Bardock: Look kid. I'm not gonna attack like Raditz. And Raditz, really, getting man handled by your nephew, the youngest one no less?! You need to train.

Whis: Oh trust me Bardock, your grandson is no pushover. He's leagues above lots of warriors.

Bardock: Is that so? Well then, let's test that. How about a spar session kid? He'd ask as he got into a fighting stance.

Y/N: You know... I do need a good workout. So make it worth my while grandpa. He'd say as he just turned to face Bardock, waiting for Bardock to come at him.

Bardock would charge at (Y/N) as he tried attacking him, however before he could even touch (Y/N) Bardock would be sent into the floor as (Y/N) had Z-Vanished and reappear above him, axe kicking him into the floor. This normally would've sent Bardock to otherworld, however (Y/N) was holding back so much even Yamcha would have a chance at beating him like this. However Bardock would get knocked out by this attack as (Y/N) sighed.

Y/N: Sorry grandpa maybe I should've held back a bit more... But I've really gotta go. I have universes to watch over. He would then wave goodbye as he walked over to the cube, entering it as Ciri took off. Leaving everyone on earth to deal with the three new Saiyans.

**Timeskip. Back at U.A. Dorms**

The whole ride back to their own universe and earth was a silent one as (Y/N) was still slightly irritated at what Frieza and his brother did. This wasn't unnoticed by class 1-A either as it was obvious. So once they got back to the dorms (Y/N) would be the first one off the cube as he was stopped.

Kirishima: Hey man... you doing ok there? He would ask as his hand was on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Y/N: I'm going to my room. Either take your hand off my shoulder or I'll remove it myself. He threatened Kirishima. This scared everyone as they'd never seen (Y/N) like this. He was acting like Vegeta, except... colder. Kirishima would let him go as (Y/N) stormed off to his room in the building.

To be continued!
What's you guys think of today's chapter? It's a bit less than usual since you know... I just cranked out the two best chapters of this book last week. (Possibly the best anyways...) So yeah, I still hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next week, じゃあね!

1056 words today.

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