Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Summer 2012, Cora’s death was still deeply felt by everyone. Lana and Pete shifted their weddings intentions but that was irrelevant as they weren’t much a couple anymore.  They gave each other hold like friends do. Pinkie and Andrew were deeply enough and were travelling Africa. Mimi was trying to cheer Brat with all means, but he just appreciated her presence and made her feel loved. Annie and Fred liked hanging out on the beach in silence and just enjoy being together.  They also liked to visit Mariposa, who was happy for her daughters place aside Brad. 

The Scottish sea breeze seemed to resemble all that was felt by all. It was like an eco. Lilith, Cora, Viktor and Tess, danced in it. So did all those who have passed. Lilith was enjoying Cora’s company and was pleased that Andrew finally moved on while Cora was suspicious about Mimi. She tried to haunt Mimi, but the witch has cast a spell on the house and her to keep ghosts away from here and pretended like nothing terrible has ever happened on New Year.  “Dam witch! I bet she has been planning all this since the start.”-Cora used to shout. “Don’t be so furious dear.”-Lilith tried calming her. “She wanted me out of her way since she met Brat. Now give me a reason why I shouldn’t be mad at her.”-Cora insisted.  “I understand your pain, but be happy that Brat isn’t alone since you are dead.”-Lilith consoled. “I’m dead that’s the problem, she doesn’t deserve him.”-Cora cried. “That’s not for you to decide. “-Lilith compelled. “Good that you are already dead, otherwise I would like stabbing you to death now. How can you sympathize with her?”- Cora disagreed. “Funny you Cora, should we try to haunt other people? “- Lilith suggested. “What’s the fun in haunting poor people?”-Cora was annoyed.  “Dam, you are such a lame ghost! You were more fun when you were alive.”-Lilith said with a pitying face.  “Is that so? Well, parties with you were great but it was terrible that the drugs took you from us.”-Cora stated.  “Away from us? That’s weird because you aren’t among them anymore either. “-Lilith laughed.  “Oh alright, do you want to discuss our life and after life now?”-Cora said disillusioned.  “Nope, I just want to show you what a rock n roll means in the ghost world.”- Lilith stated smiling. “Don’t tell me it means that we now haunt people.”- Cora enquired.  “It is part of it. Now come on.”- Lilith conveyed.

In that moment Lilith saw Tess walk through a wall. Lilith glided to her very fast as if running towards her.  “Tess!”-she called surprised. Tess noticed her and turned around smiling. “What happened to you?”-Lilith was concerned. “Mimi killed….”-Tess wanted to answer as Lilith cut in – “Why the hell is that witch’s fault again.”  “Hey, I have been waiting for death since my family didn’t want me to be with Viktor.”-Tess said happily. “Viktor, is he dead?”-Lilith was curious.  “Yeah, he was stabbed after we killed Billy, who was out of control. And as it was Viktor’s blood that made me monster, I died shortly after him.” –Tess explained. “Aw, at least you two died more a less together.”-Cora joined in.  “Cora, I’m sorry about what happened to you.”-Tess meant to apologize. “I’m dead, it won’t make a difference now, whatever it was that you turned Billy into was evil.”- Cora snapped.  “It wasn’t my choice to become a monster but Viktor just didn’t see any other way to keep me alive in his arms when I almost successfully committed suicide. “-Tess defended herself. “I’m sorry Tess.”-Cora said feeling guilty. “Now it’s each of how we died or wish to have died. I’m bored and would like to do some haunting.”-Lilith complained. 

“Good seeing you here finally, nephew.”-Connor warmly welcomed Viktor.  “I see Connor you are not angry on me for separating your head from your body.  That’s interesting.”-Viktor said grinning. “No. Your weakness has always been your temper.”-Connor said smiling.  “And yours was that you never had a conscience.”-Viktor stated. “What do you mean?”-Connor asked. “Means that you let everyone you drank from die and didn’t want to give them a new life.”-Viktor stated. “We have become beasts the land should not be hell.”- Connor argued. “Wow, did Frieda make you feel like that?”-Viktor mocked. “She was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was proud to be her man. Commitment hasn’t been your thing either, no wonder you don’t understand.”-Connor said defensive. “Bullshit! I know what it is to love. Frieda was a witch, she twisted your will.”-Viktor said pissed. “I know you had witches. I can understand after you got stabbed by one.”-Connor conveyed. “Oh shut up!”-Viktor exclaimed and Connor grinned pleased. 

Frieda has been released from her after death, she was now departed. Soon it will also be Connor’s destiny.  Viktor was hoping that Mimi gets revenge and was trying to contact witches or haunt vampires trying to get help from them. 

“Fred, what exactly happened on New Year?”-Annie asked him watching the waves break on the rocks. “It is a good thing that you hardly remember it.”-Fred answered. “But I want to know. I go to Cora’s grave every day and light a candle but I am the only one who doesn’t know how she died and why Billie is dead too.”-Annie insisted. “People are murdered all the time everywhere in the world. People lose their friends, children, parents, and siblings.” –Fred stated. “Fred, that’s not answering my question.”-Annie complained. “Annie, you don’t remember anything from that night except us sitting at the foot of the altar. I’m trying to forget all that happened because I keep seeing death in my dreams.”-Fred said a bit annoyed.  “And I thought that we could share everything between us.”-Annie said annoyed. “Honey, you are the brightness in my world and I would never want to be without you but please let that horrible night behind us.”-Fred said softly.  “You have changed Fred but I still love you.”-Annie said in a sad tone. “Possible, the Earth’s angle is not the same anymore.”-Fred said coldly trying to distract Annie. She just forced a smile onto her face.

“Why are you pushing me away from you, when I want to hug you?”-Lana asked Pete furious.  “I don’t love you anymore.”-He answered emotionless. “Is it because of New Year or was it so before too?”-Lana asked angrily.  “I felt so before that night but I didn’t want to hurt you and you deserved to have your wishes fulfilled.”-Pete answered. “Now, it doesn’t hurt me or what?”-Lana was raging. “I know it does and I’m sorry. I know it’s hard to lose a friend. “-Pete tried to calm here.  “I don’t remember Cora to have been your friend.”-Lana said raising an eyebrow. “She wasn’t. My cousin is dead. Both were known to me well and I feel the sorrow.”-Pete said annoyed.  Lana was now silent and walked to her car.  She felt that everyone is being self-centered since New Year and her sister just wanted to travel the world with her pilot boyfriend. Pinkie didn’t write e-mails to her sister or call her since she left. Annie also seemed to not care about Lana. Lana thought that Annie might still be traumatized and therefore avoided everyone except for Fred.  Mimi was made responsible for all that had happened by Lana. 

Brat felt like he had no feelings at all nowadays. When Mimi left him alone to do groceries, he used to look at pictures of Cora and try to remember all the happy times that they had together.  The pictures were familiar and so the messages but the emotions have dried. He didn’t know what it was that made him feel sensual towards Mimi and why he liked to have her around and hold her waist.  It seemed that that entire he was had died with Cora death. Brat seemed to be a zombie, totally empty and knowing that once something had been different.

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