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"Tomorrow , he will throw us all out , " Naheed bibi yelled loudly . "young lady , Why were you not doing something about it ." 

"I gave you my full salary , but you deci-" Momina was brutally cutoff by her 'mother' , when she slapped Momina on her face .  Saying nothing , Momina went up to her room . Mainly a store room . Few tears leaked her eyes , but she wipe them off immediately . 

Earning 1 lac in one day is impossible ,  Momina don't want to lose her only memory she held dear to her heart . Her father's house . She wants to see it keep standing . 

The house was a big one , for 4 peoples to live . There are many bedrooms which Miss Naheed refused Momina to used and told her to pack her stuff and make her stay in a dull colored and extremely dirty store room . 

From outside , the house look unique , dull and worn out . As many workers left the house 5 years ago , having no one to look at outside wall and architecture , the house have several web forms outside .  The garden , however was very beautiful , 'cause Momina take extra care of it .

Momina knew , her father was very fond of natural beauty . Flowers and tress , all planted by her father , now came in her possession and hers duty to take care of .

From inside the house look clean , as Miss Naheed make sure to get the house cleaned all by Momina once or twice a day . From washing clothes to cleaning and then to cooking , Momina was instructed to so that all by her very own hands . There was no one to help her . 

Her two step sisters through , make sure to make Momina's work as tiring and as difficult as they could . Once a princess of the house was now turned into a damsel .

Momina's thoughts drafted to the young man Suleiman Hussain . She have been thinking about the proposal since the day she met him . Maybe , because she was well aware that she could muster up all that much money in such a less time .

But being married to a practical stranger was something she don't want to do . Seeing the fact that she never have good childhood and now if the stranger she thinks to get married who claimed to love her turned to be an abusive husband  , then her only way to escape through this hell will come to an end , knowing she is entering into another .

If not marrying him , Then they would be on road just in some couple of hours . 

On 9:00 PM , in the dark night , she decided to give it a try . Putting a stone on her heart and feeling her dreams to be shattered , she dialed the number written on the card . 

As her 'mother' and so called 'sisters' are in their room after giving her loads of work , seeing today is off and she will at home all day . Momina pressed the telephone close to her ear waiting for someone to picked up . 

"Hello , Who is it ?" Came a manly voice , sending a good kind of shiver down her spine . 

"I am Momina , I wished to speak with Mr . Hussain ." She said slowly , with each word expressed clearly . 

"I am here , " Again that manly voice , Which belongs to Suleiman answered .

"I acce-pp-t y-ou-r Proposal ." She said timidly and slowly .

"OKay . Good , Tomorrow shall we get married and I will transfer the money you need in you account ." He replied calmly as he was accepting it .

"I want the money , now . The landlord will come tomorrow morning first thing ." She said . 

"I will talk to him , get yourself ready around 1:00 pm in the afternoon , so that we can go to the magistrate office ." He said . 

"Thankyou ." She said . 

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