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Being Just You Doesn't Mean You Are Childish , Accept Yourself The Way You Are

                                          ---------Ayesha Shahid  


After 5 Months ,

Mishal just have come home with a good news from the hospital about her pregnancy . Her phupo was in her room , taking her afternoon nap while Khizar was in the hospital .

Her condition was not good from some days and her Phupo advises her to make a visit to the doctor and she did , when she was in her parent's home to stay . It was today that she find out she was pregnant .

Although the checkup and all the visit happened in Khizar's presence but still as he was busy today so she herself took her reports and didn't inform her husband about the results. 

Mishal was nervous , which happens very few times , in  telling her husband the great news . She was well aware about the fact that Khizar very much love little bundles of joy . She herself personally , never like the kids so much . But right now , she is thinking about her own part , her own blood and her own baby .

About which she is very certain , that she is going to love him a lot .

Mishal put her stuff at their rightful places in her room and lay down straight on the bed . Keeping her hand on her stomach , she felt filled with immense satisfaction and love for the growing child.

Mishal still remember the day when both of them confess their love for each other on their honeymoon.

ON Honeymoon , In the Night 


"Khizar , apny khana order kiya ?" She asked , 

(Khizar , Have you ordered the dinner)

"Yes , I have ." He replied .

Both has come back to their room drenched in unexpected rain . They were outside sightseeing since the morning and returned At 7:00 PM now when rain poured down .

Both have taken their shower and dinner and now were laying on the bed in each others arm.

"Khizar , " 

"Yes , " 

"I have a gift for you , I have not gifted you anything on our marriage." She said , getting up from the bed and walking to her luggage.

"You could have given me that when we returned , Why carry it here?" He asked , sitting on the bed.

"Because I purchased it just today ."

"Today ? When" He asked ,

"When you were gone somewhere " She said ,

She took out the small box from her bag and came to him sitting on the bed opposite to him.

"Here." She forwarded it to Khizar.

"What it is ?" He murmured and opened to find the Rolex watch . "Mishal this , Its so expensive."

"No its not . I have saved the money to but you this when I have doing the job in that school." 

"But still , you don't have to." 

"Khizar, " She said sternly , making him peck her forehead lovingly .

"I also have brought something for you too." He said , "Wait "

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