thirty one

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It was so dreadfully late. The curtains had again been left mostly open, thanks to Taeil's negligence, and the moon was actually starting sink, no longer rising. That's just how late it was.

Neither were aware of each other, but both Mark and Donghyuck were very much awake. The insomniac had an excuse, whilst Donghyuck was merely unable to drift into slumber. It was a rough night all the same.

The ravenette stared up at the ceiling, barely able to see anything through the thick darkness encasing their bedroom. A song came to mind, one he hadn't heard in quite a while. Without even realising what he was doing, the soft and relaxing tune rang through the air in a low hum. Although slightly broken due to its quiet nature, Donghyuck was able to recognise it as well.

Suddenly, there were two soft voices humming the piece, harmonising to create such a perfect sound. Mark smiled, sitting up and peering over at the brunette whom he assumed had been sleeping this whole time. "Can't sleep?"

"Nope. My mind is so busy right now.....It's impossible."

A small silence followed, though not at all uncomfortable. Donghyuck sat up as well, narrowing his eyes in attempt to see the boy across from him. His arms tingled against the chilly air surrounding them, yet also from the heat rising in the pit of his stomach.

Mark's shoulder was exposed due to the fact that his oversized t-shirt was hanging off of it. His firm chest was barely visible beneath it, and Donghyuck wanted to leave kiss marks so badly.

Stop thinking about it! This is why you think you're gay! He tried to scold himself for something as natural as desire. Any fool could've told him that it was all but impossible to ignore.

"You're staring," the older chuckled gently, crossing his legs as he got comfortable. "What's up?"

I'm not asleep! I shouldn't want him this way..... "Nothing. Just thinking, y'know?"

Mark tilted his head, completely unaware of how beautiful he was, and how much Donghyuck hated himself for not seeing it sooner.

So he decided to deal with it.

Throwing his legs over the side of the mattress, the brunette steadily paced over to his 'friend's' bed, stopping to stand beside it.

"Hyuck?" Mark murmured, allowing his eyes to scan over the younger's body carefully, possibly looking for any change.

If not now, then never.....Donghyuck quickly shoved Mark down, crawling on top of him and pinning his arms down. His heart was beating so damn fast - too fast. The sight of the only boy he had ever felt this way about, breathing heavily beneath him, had his body heating up and tingling in the strangest of ways.

"When did you grow up on me, Sissyboy?" The younger whispered cunningly, leaning down and roughly connecting their lips. Mark whined into his mouth, hips thrashing in attempt to escape. He didn't want whatever this was. He wasn't prepared to delve into this torture when both were awake and aware.

Donghyuck moved from his lips to trail down along his jaw, lust completely fogging his better judgement and ears almost deaf to the sound of Mark's pleads.

The older sighed airily, half wanting to experience a sane and awake moment with the younger, yet knowing that this would change everything. "Stop! Donghyuck, I swear to god, this is bad-"

"Oh come on, like you could possibly hate this!" Hyuck breathed out darkly, running his hands down Mark's chest. "You've been doing this for a year now, so don't go building up a conscience now."

"Not like this!" He growled, swiftly grabbing the younger's hands and holding them tightly. "It's one thing being asleep and screwing around.....but I don't want to suddenly create some sort of friends with benefits thing-"


"Seriously, Donghyuck! I'm-I'm not going to let you ruin what we have during the day...."

The brunette sucked in a breath, sitting back slightly though still upon the other's waist. His eyes were starting to burn a little, the back of his throat feeling sore and constricted at the few words he was really not hoping to hear. "But I want you...." he whimpered, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes. "I don't know what to do....I-I don't even know how this works...."

Mark looked up at him skeptically, blinking once to comprehend what the hell was going on. "It's okay. I'll still look after you during the night, but-"

"But what about during the day?! Huh? Why can't I just have you all the time?!"

"Ssshhhh," the other hissed, quickly sitting up and covering the brunette's mouth. "The others are sleeping."

Donghyuck ripped his hand away, freely letting the tears run with how frustrated and annoyed he was. "I don't even care anymore...."

Mark sighed, tilting the boy's chin down to get a proper look at his face. Those eyes....he had seen them before. Actually, he had seen them in the mirror quite often. "Are you crying....because of me?"

"No actually, I'm just on my period!" Hyuck snapped grumpily, "Of course it's your fault. It's always your fault! Now I'm probably gay! I'm going to have to live with this, and I've suffered the first goddamn rejection in my life-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Mark gasped, cupping Donghyuck's cheeks and trying his best to suppress a certain smile. "Are you.....hang on-"

"Fuck it! How hard is it to grasp what I've been telling you?!"

"Kinda wanna hear you say it out loud though....I've been waiting an awful long time...."

Hyuck stared at him in disbelief, shaking his head like he couldn't comprehend with how irritating this boy was, and with how much he loved him for it. "I refuse to tell you. That would be considered losing, and Lee Donghyuck never loses."

The older sighed, smiling anyway and feeling somewhat relieved that he hadn't lost the boy from their past, and had managed to express to him how he felt as well. "Well, I really like you. It's like a stab to the chest every time I think I can't be enough for you..."

"Why wouldn't you be enough?"

"I'm a boy. Your friend. The list has a few factors, though those two are-" a welcome interruption led to a peaceful silence as Donghyuck pressed his lips against Mark's, his warm hand caressing the other's cheek fondly. His emotions were still unclear to him, and there was no way he was ready to admit to anyone that this was how he felt.....but feeling his lips against the older's like was worth the painful secrecy.

Mark was gentle, carefully bringing Donghyuck down to lay beside him as they ventured into familiar waters that would always have new places to explore.

What does this mean? Both wondered to themselves, not daring to put a label on it just yet. Though it was all very clear that an unrequited love had become mutual.

They loved one another, and that's all both could've asked for.

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𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now