Chapter 10: Accidentally on Purpose

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Sidon looked at you blankly for a few seconds. Just pure silence.

"...You have feelings for me?"

You nodded your head slowly. You panicked. It wasn't supposed to go like this if were even ever to happen at all!

"Really?" Sidon went a bit red. He smiled. "I never thought I'd hear you say that."

"What...?" You tilted your head a bit.

"I've actually longed for the day I would ever hear you say that."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Seriously, I never had the nerve to say it myself, I just waited to see if I'd ever hear it from you."

"Why didn't you confess first?"

"Well, I didn't want to ruin what we already had. You're my best friend and have been for long over a century. I didn't want to lose you because of that. Why didn't you?"

"Same reasoning. We better thank your father. If it weren't for such perfectly timed situations we wouldn't be here right now."

"True. Now let's -"

"CALLING EVERYONE TO JUST BELOW THE BALCONY! PLEASE!" Izuko exclaimed through a megaphone. You and Sidon ran to the center of the room.

"Queen Zelda, the stage is yours."

"Thank you, Sir Izuko. Everyone, I have an announcement! Link and I are -"

"A couple!" Link ran up behind Zelda and picked her up bridal style. He seemed off, and you could tell he had been drinking already.

"Congrats, guys!" Sidon and the other successors exclaimed. Everyone was talking and laughing, and as soon as Link amd Zelda came back down, you led Link to the fountain.

"Link, how many drinks have you had?"

"I don't know... what about you sis?"

"None, now you should go to bed before you do something stupid."

"Nahh. I'm not gonna do anything stupid. Don't worry, _____."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm suuuure."

"Okay, well, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get -"



Less than 2 minutes later

You had managed to get Link out of the fountain, and he was completely soaked. You led him to his room, and told him to change and get to bed. Talk about being the younger sibling.

You then went to find Sidon talking to Dorephan. Someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the side before you reached them.


"So, how did it go?" You saw that it was Kyri.

"Kyri? What was that for?"

"I wanted to ask you how the confession went."

"What? How did you know about that?"

"I came back in the middle of it, and then I came over here so I didn't interrupt."

"Oh, well either way don't startle me like that."

"Sorry. Now are you two a couple or what?"

"He likes me back. I don't know so much about couple right now."

"More like loves."


"Nothing. Now go back to Dorephan and Sidon." Kyri practically shoved you over to Dorephan and Sidon and then walked away.

"_____, I didn't mean to time it so you thought I had told Sidon. I wouldn't have done that. You know you can trust me." Dorephan apologized.

"It's fine. It was really a good thing that that happened." You laughed.

"I hope so. I think you two would make a wonderful couple. And actually, I knew Sidon had feelings for you. But I wanted you two to find out from each other."

"Well, we did. It wouldn't have been so soon if it weren't for you. Thanks, Dorephan." You and Sidon laughed before heading back out to the party. You told Zelda that night, but you didn't tell Link until the next day at breakfast, and his reaction, was... unexpected.

Le next morning at breakfast

"Yeah, I confessed to Sidon last night, and turns out he felt the same. It was all thanks to Dorephan, really long story, but I wouldn't have had it any other way."

"Wait, you like Sidon?! You never told me that!"

"Probably because she knew you would react this way." Zelda rolled her eyes.

"React how?! You expected me to be calm about this?!"

"Sort of...?" You shrugged. Link stormed off to his room. Sidon came out of his guest room just then to see Link run off.

"What's going on?" Sidon yawned.

"Link! Wait!" You chased after you brother, and Sidon tried chasing after you, but Zelda stopped him.

You ran to his room, and unlocked his door, and then closed it behind you.

"...I see you remembered the password..." Link groaned.

"Of course I did." You sat down on his bed, where he was laying down, burying his face in a pillow.

"Link, what's wrong? I didn't know you didn't want me to be with Sidon."

"It's not about you, or Sidon..."

"Wait what? Then what's it about?"


You froze. You knew Mipha was a touchy subject for Link and Sidon, and it even was for you. But Sidon was her brother, and Link loved her. You really didn't know how to talk to him about this.

"Link, I know how much Mipha meant to you, but there's no -"

"There's no going back and changing things. I know. But yes, I love Zelda now, but Mipha was always with me. I had figured Sidon would be my brother in law, but because I was going to marry his sister. Not because he's ready to marry mine."

"I know it's tough. But it's just how it is now."

"I know, and I want more than anything to see you happy, but I...*sigh*..."

"And all I want is for you to be happy. But I also wanted your blessing, really. But take your time with this." You got up to leave but Link stopped you.

"You have it."


"You have my blessing."


"You're my little sister, and I love you. All I want is to see you happy. Go be with Sidon. Please don't let me get it the way of this." You ran over and hugged him.

"Thank you, Link. You're the best."

I honestly didn't think this chapter would be so long. Over 1000 words. I'm really sorry for leaving the cliffhanger there, but there most likely won't be many more (in the near future).

Thank you for all the support on all three books! I'll have another one out today, but tomorrow... be prepared

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