Chapter 31

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Charlotte's neck turned to see Mrs. Campion looking venomously at the both of them and she felt ice run through her veins. Their eyes only met for a moment but it was enough to put fear into her.

She blushed and looked back at Sidney and could see the color had drained from his face. Coming to her senses she curtsied muttered. "Good night, Mr. Parker."

Turning on her heel to leave she gasped as his hand shot out and gently touched her arm to stop her. "Wait, wait." he looked desperate but not knowing what to do. He knew they were on the thin edge of causing a scene. Indeed perhaps they already were.

She shook her head desiring the grace and poise to leave this difficult situation. "Be kind enough and not pester me with regret," she said with finality. Her tone cut him, she could see the pain that coursed through him.

Sidney looked as if kicked in the gut but she had to be firm. He needed to accept their future was apart from one another or all was lost.

Sanditon which they had both grown to love would never become as envisioned. Tom, Mary, the children, all depended on his marriage with Mrs. Campion and his word. And if that were to change the scandal that would break from a broken contract would ruin them all and perhaps after litigation against Sidney for ending the betrothal perhaps he too would face prison.

Charlotte's eyes begged him while Sidney struggled within himself to see sense. Finally, he nodded understanding her but wishing it was very different between them.

Leaving his presence Charlotte escaped out a side door and then through a small servants hall to a small cupboard and soon found a dark corner to fall into the sob that threatened to erupt within sight of the Beau Monde, and Londons fashionable. She collapsed on a grain sack and let her dress fall around her.

The music was muffled but she could hear the ball went on, Charlotte, on the other hand, wanted to shatter. Seeing Sidney Parker before her and the want she saw in his eyes frightened her. He looked rougher than she remembered. Had he descended so far into melancholy that he could not act appropriately?

How could he expect anything from her now? How dare he?

After crying and managing to get herself together sat for a time wondering if it was safe to emerge. She didn't want to go anywhere, but her disappearance would raise more questions. But She wanted to be sure Mrs. Campion or Mr. Parker were nowhere she could chance to come upon them. She didn't know if she could handle such an interaction again in such short succession.

Finally, after several musical numbers, she exited the small cupboard and snuck back out.

Charlotte could not go back to what Mr. Parker and her once were, not even acquaintances but somehow she had said they could. How could that be when he looked at her like a lost man?

Mrs. Campion would never allow easy company, and she would be right to.

Charlotte sighed. It was very simple. She would go back home.

It was almost Christmas. Maybe she could persuade Lady Susan to have her coach convey her home that week. Resolving to ask before the night was through she took a deep shuddering breath.

Coming out into the gathering again Captain Warrick approached her as soon as she was spotted. "Come dance with me Miss Heywood-Charlotte." his tone was warm.

She took his hand. "I would like that." and gave him a tense smile.

"Worry not, Mr. Parker and his fiance have left for the night," he said as he took her to the floor.

Charlotte lifted her head and stayed poised. "And you think I care to know?" she asked wondering how obvious their encounter had been.

He smiled. "I think you do care very much but you are very proper and know you should not." his hand rested on her waist and she gasped slightly thinking of Sidney's hand resting there once. "Case in point." he chuckled feeling her tense under his touch.

"You love him don't you?" he said finally.

She shook her head. "No."

Captain Warrick smiled and turned her. "You do not lie easily, Miss Heywood. I know love," he said. "I know what it looks like on the faces of people. It is a gift both my cousin and I share. We see the affliction more obviously than most."

Charlotte recalled how quickly Lady Susan had concluded that she loved Sidney Parker over six months before.

"Your face has been darkened by heartbreak since we first met. I just didn't know who hurt you."Captain Warrick finished.

She shook her head. "Mr. Parker did not do it on purpose. I do not find fault in him." she smiled sentimentally.

"Unconditional love..." he frowned. "How irresponsible."

She shook her head. "No, there were conditions." She rolled her eyes in remembrance of their arguments and misunderstandings. "Indeed they were severe ones." she laughed feeling easier now that Mr. Parker and Mrs. Campion would not be there anymore. "He met them, even when he broke my heart he was doing it for the right reasons."

Warrick chuckled. "I do proclaim I have never met a more generous jilted woman in my entire life."

She laughed as he led her in dance helping to ease the potential scandal of earlier.

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