Chapter 108

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Mr. Elliot the anvil priest stood clean shaved with an air of no-nonsense before him holding a blacksmith hammer in his hand where any other priest would hold a bible and a plaid line of cloth draped around his neck

The man's dark suit and heavily starched high collar made all three of them feel rumpled and underdressed as he looked down his nose at them thoughtfully while he prepared to start the ceremony.

He pulled out some papers of record from a file and laid them out on the table where their breakfast lay half-eaten as they all stood and Mr. Molyneux was expected to pay upfront a total of fifty guineas before the man started, no small sum.

Georgiana took Otis's arm and stood close to him with a smile on her face and an excited impatient bounce to her step. Her groom looked just as happy as he mirrored the expression but turned and tried to be serious for the anvil priest.

"I need a second witness." Mr. Elliot said impatiently as he jingled the sum in his hand thoughtfully "I am glad you have brought one," he looked to Charlotte," but it seems you forgot the second."

Georgiana's smile dropped a little. "I am sure we can-"

The door slammed open in the ordinary of the inn, which also doubled as one of the ceremony rooms in times of need and the bright light streamed in through the great double doors.

Georgiana and Otis clung to each other as Charlotte turned fearful sensing the impending doom the door slam signaled and she shook when she saw who moved to enter.

Three hearts hammered as they all found themselves looking at a frustrated and out of breath man before them. None other than Sidney Parker looking tired and dirty from a long sweaty ride.

"Sir, I am in the middle of wedding these two," Mr. Elliot said seriously but then thought brightly. "Never-mind all that, maybe you could be the second witness. I know the innkeeper to be a busy woman and I don't wish to trouble her." The anvil priest asked. "Could you be persuaded to gift these two lovers but a quarter of an hour of your time?"

Sidney squinted and straightened his coat and looked to Charlotte, his eyes roving over her and his gaze softened and an almost smile lit his eyes as he took a deep breath and nodded.

"Of course. My pleasure," he said closing the doors behind him as he regained composure and his excitement at finally finding Charlotte and she seemed well.

He missed the look of shock fall upon the three as he did so.

When Sidney turned he found her standing there with her rumbled dress and her hair hanging down her back. He had seen the fear on her face when he entered and he was saddened for she had the same look on her face before when he had yelled at her for not keeping a better watch on Georgiana.

Georgiana looked less than her best-dressed self, but the fear which had also shown on her face relaxed into joy when he surprised them all with agreeing to stand witness.

Sidney strode silently to stand opposite Charlotte much as they had done for Lord and Lady Babington's wedding and he looked her over slowly as Mr. Elliot cleared his throat and started.

"How well matched these two young lovers are." the man said somberly. Without reverence which made Sidney lookup. "Their skin and love match do they not?" He said now seemingly falling into his routine.

"You, Mr. Molyneux it is?" Mr. Elliot asked stepping up to the large anvil and pulled the plaid from his shoulders.

"It is," Otis answered.

"And the bride?" he asked looking to Georgiana who had tears in her eyes as she glanced to Sidney her heart full to burst.

"Miss Georgiana Lambe," Sidney said suddenly causing them all to turn and look at him briefly.

It was only Mr. Elliot's voice continuing that refocused them all back.

"Oh you know this young woman, sir?" the anvil priest asked.

Sidney nodded. "Yes, I am her guardian."

The anvil priests brows rose surprised. "Oh, that is irregular, and you are not here to intervene?"

Sidney stood stoic and shook his head a fraction.

"Well then...We can start. We have our two witnesses." the man said pulling out his plaid line of cloth and laid it over the anvil. "You Mr. Molyneux put your left hand here," he pointed to the center. As Otis obliged he looked to Georgiana, "And you Miss, your left hand over his." he said and took the two ends of the plaid tie and bound them together.

"Your two hands represent two hot pieces of metal that are to be forged into one as the blacksmiths of the past would have struck. Do you both say aye?" he asked as he stepped back a moment.

Georgiana and Otis smiled and nodded. "Yes."

The man smiled. "Well then under ancient Scottish law and tradition it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you "Georgiana and Mr. Otis Molyneux man and wife."

As the couple smiled at each other Mr. Elliot hit the anvil loudly once, the ringing of it filled the room as the couple turned to kiss and embrace.

Charlotte though tearful ventured a look over to Sidney as she smiled. "I thought you had come to stop the wedding?" she commented in a whisper.

His expression soft he shifted and leaned over a little. "More assumptions Miss Heywood?" he asked tenderly. "I thought we were past that between us."

She smiled and nodded as tears gathered happily in her eyes. Sidney was just the man he should be. "No, you are quite right, I suppose I should not be surprised at all."

He smiled true. "No indeed," he said watching Charlotte as they congratulated the now blissful couple.

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