Chapter 121

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Charlotte had watched Sidney looking up through her dark lashes from inside the coach. Lord and Lady Babington took their separate carriage while Lady Worcester and Sidney shared with her.

She could not ignore the shy hungry glances Sidney paid to her as she joined them in the Foyer. He had looked tired but when he looked up a giving smile spread across his face up to his eyes.

Susan had taken the time while Charlotte was in the bath to share a coffee and all the gossip of Sanditon that she missed. The first shock was her cousins hurried marriage to Mrs. Campion and then the fact that she already carried his child. A secret that Susan would share with Charlotte since there was such trust between them.

The surprise of the information had Charlotte nearly without breath. Thank goodness she was already sitting in the bath in her thin chemise or she might have fainted straight away.

They deduced that the two lovers must have formed an intimacy while planning the play. Charlotte had been too consumed with trying to remain aloof from Sidney and immune from Captain Warrick's charms which she was ashamed to say it was rather tempting at times.

They had again convened in Charlotte's room for they had a lot further to discuss. Among other things, Lady Worcester worried about Lady Denham. She explained that she had not been allowed to go have a chat with her in two days for she had been told that she had taken a turn but it was strange even if she was worsening why could she not just sit and hold her hand.

Charlotte felt a chill settle and she had shrugged it off. Esther said they would see her tomorrow and all would be well. She had finished off her look with a lovely jasmine scent that Lady Worcester had introduced her to.

Standing before Lady Susan who lay draped on the foot of her bed as she drank her coffee most languidly.

"You look particularly fetching tonight my dear." Lady Susan had said.

"Do I?" Charlotte asked, nervous to be around Sidney now that he was free.

She looked down and then in the full-length mirror a lovely cream-colored muslin with a light champagne ribbon about her neck with another woven delicately through her hair she was satisfied she looked well.

"Mr. Sidney Parker will not keep his eyes to himself I would wager." Susan had smiled.

Susan had been right. Sidney kept glancing at her and sweeping his eyes up to her eyes. It made her blush and feel uncomfortable.

"Miss Heywood is looking very well despite her rigorous journey the past week, would you not agree, Mr. Parker?" Susan baited.

Sidney smiled and nodded. "I would, quite," he said seriously and sighed as his eyes met hers uncomfortably.

"Remember Miss Heywood, you promised me a dance," he whispered and exited the carriage and held out his hand firstly for Lady Worcester, and a moment later Charlotte's hand slid into his.
"A moment?" his eyes implored.

Charlotte looked ahead up the grand entrance. "Yes?"

He pulled her to the side of the carriages. "I have something to tell you."

Charlotte stopped him. "If it about Mrs. Campion I already know."

Sidney frowned. "Esther tell you?"

Charlotte shook her head. "No, Lady Susan."

Sidney looked away irritably. His jaw was tense.

"What is it?" Charlotte asked.

He looked down at her his attitude softening. "I had just hoped to be able to tell you."

She frowned. "Oh?"

He looked around then at her. "I have much to sort but I wish you not to be in doubt of my intentions."

Charlotte stopped him. "Please, don't feel obligated..."

He shook his head. "Obligated?" he swallowed hard. "Charlotte don't you understand what I want?"

"Sidney!" Tom said waving his hand.

Sidney frowned and looked beyond her but then refocused intent on not being interrupted just yet.

His hand rose to show he acknowledged his brother's attempts at drawing him away but awaited a response from Charlotte first.

Charlotte shook her head and tried to smile. "I think you out to go see what it is your brother needs to talk to you about."

Sidney sighed irritably. "I don't give a blast what he has to say right now." he took her hand. "Charlotte my dearest, please-"

"Sidney!" Tom's voice demanding overcame the interaction.

"I will see you inside Mr. Parker," Charlotte said pulling her hand back from him and Sidney cursed.

"Damn you, Tom!" Sidney said trying to reign in his irritation. "Do you not know when to stop?" he asked.

Tom's ears pinked. "Sidney, I missed the chance of seeing you this afternoon when you brought the young boy Mabbin."

Sidney nodded. "I was in quite a rush you must understand. I and Charlotte rode across the entire country in little over a week."

Tom nodded. "You must be aware of Mrs. Campion's actions and Captain Warrick's ungentlemanly behavior."

Sidney nodded. "Yes, and they are married now. I knew all of this."

Tom sputtered. "But surely you should not be so calm."

Sidney nodded. "She and I were always a bad match."

"But the money!" Tom said looking around embarrassed and afraid they were to be overheard.

Sidney nodded. "I intend on talking to Lady Denham in the morning about it, and we can hope Captain Warrick is a reasonable man and not willing to have me drag his name through the courts for a failed engagement."

Tom's lip trembled nervously. "But that is all fine and good for her side of things, but what if Lady Denham is not long for this world?"

Sidney scoffed. "She is a force of nature. I am not entirely sure she can die."

Tom shook his head. "I fear she may be very close, and what then?"

Sidney sighed. "I do believe Lady Denham has a will."

Tom shook his head. "And if she doesn't? Or it disappears?"

Sidney sighed. "I suppose then it all goes to Edward Denham."

Tom nodded, "And if it does he has a vendetta to ruin us if he can."

"Well let us hope he does not come sniffing around." Sidney patted him on the shoulder. "Come, stop your unnecessary worry."

Coming into the room his eyes found Charlotte's and he went to her with purpose.

"May I claim my dance?" he asked offering his hand.

She frowned taking it. "What has your bother to upset?"

Sidney shook his head as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close to him. "He is worried that Lady Denham will not be with us for much longer."

Charlotte looked up. "Lady Susan said she has not been allowed to see her for two days."

Sidney looked down at the gravity of her words. "Come, we must talk to Esther and Babington."

Charlotte felt dragged from the dance floor as whispers circulated around them.

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