Chapter 70

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Mary breathed out deeply as she watched the clock. She knew Charlotte would likely be coming by for tea but after that thunderous conversation between Sidney and Tom, she was unsure how to mitigate a negative spill into the next company. She was just glad that Arthur and Diana had left for a stroll and they must have gotten stranded somewhere for it was pouring down hard.

"Am I always to be blamed for the failings of everything around me?" Tom asked pacing.

Mary looked up from her sewing. "Patients Tom. You know Dr. Fughs does not wish you to dwell. It is hard on your heart my love."

"Honestly it's like he-" Tom sighed.

"Blames you, of course, he does. Had you been honest none of this would have ever happened. But there is no use belaboring the point my dearest. Sit, drink. Charlotte should be here soon. Sidney said as much." she gestured to the table. "Come now, the children want to see her and I don't wish your dark mood to drive her off."

Tom nodded. "I just... I am not good company right now I suppose," he said. "Please give my regrets, I wish to in my study," he said and went and kissed Mary on the head and distractedly went on his way.

A knock sounded a quarter of an hour later and Mary went to the door since they no longer had a footman. "Oh my dear, you did brave it to see me after all!" she said embracing her.

Charlotte smiled. "Course, I just had a few other stops along the way. It is soggy today is it not?" she said taking her damp coat off and her umbrella she brought with her to the parlor to dry near the fire.

"I am afraid my umbrella did nothing to shield me from the onslaught of water from above," she said taking her bonnet off and wincing at the feather that was now looking quite drab. She plucked it from the hat and tried to lay it out on the hearth to dry so she could repair it.

Mary smiled. "I was beginning to think you would not be coming." she lamented. "The kids are playing in the other room," she said and Charlotte smiled and went straight to the kids and they all gleefully hollered her name.

"Tom sends his regrets. He and Sidney had quite a conversation and now he isn't in a mood to be sociable. But he hopes you are well." Mary said seriously.

Charlotte nodded understanding but was curious as to the nature of the conversation if Tom was not feeling sociable.

Charlotte heard real thunder sound in the distance and a bright flash out the windows.

"Oh dear, I do hope Sidney is not out in this," Mary observed and fretted turning back to the tea laid out. "And I hope poor Diana and Arthur found some shelter.

Charlotte hugged the children once more and kissed them each two times on the cheek before joining Mary.

"How was your week?" Charlotte asked settling herself down for tea.

Mary sighed. "Quiet," she answered. "I think poor Tom feels out of place here now. We get fewer callers since last spring I am afraid."

Charlotte frowned. "But surely you have friends here," she said disbelievingly.

Mary shook her head. "Not as many as we once did."

"I have been so busy I know I have not been by often enough." Charlotte apologized.

Mary shook her head. "Oh, dear girl I did not mean you. You have been the most loyal and true to us Parkers." She put her hand on hers. "Sweet Charlotte, fret not on our poor trials. They are nothing to yours and Sidney's pain."

Charlotte shook her head. "All will be mended in time. Afterall I rode into town with him and I came out of it fine."

Mary raised her eyebrows. "I wish the same could be said for poor Sidney."

Before the thread of conversation could follow the door opened dramatically to two wet drenched bodies scurrying in.

"I have never been so terrified in my life." Diana's weak voice quaked as she tried to unknot her damp tie on her bonnet but the wet fabric had locked itself into position and would not budge requiring her to yank it off her head which made her look quite the thing.

"Indeed," Arthur added breathlessly. His larger figure hunched as he gasped for breath. "I thought we were going to be incinerated on the spot, I did," Arthur said yanking off his wet jacket.

"Oh Miss Heywood, you came!" Diana said brightly as she came into the parlor. "I am a fright, I must change but you will still be here will you not?" she asked. Her hair standing up looking like she possibly had been struck by lightning. She hurried up the stairs while her brother leaned against the wall for support.

Arthur breathless looked on in traumatic horror. "We found shelter from the rain in one of the sea-bathing wagons that are along the shore, but then lightning hit all around us. I even suspect it hit the wagon we were in." He said as Mary helped him to sit by the fire.

"Here Arthur have some tea, and please calm yourself." Mary comforted him. "It was not so very dreadful was it?" she asked.

He looked at her shocked. "It was indeed. I did not think I would live out the hour." he looked to Charlotte and blinked. "What horror I have seen Miss Heywood," he said pathetically.

"Come now Arthur pull yourself together. Why don't you go on up and change your clothes?" she said helping him to stand. "Don't wish to catch your death on top of all this excitement."

Charlotte smiled and watched in humor as the man nodded and went up the stairs in a shocking stupor. "Of course you must be right dear Mary. I shall be back down as soon as I can comport myself sociably," he said his voice still shaking.

After another quarter of an hour, they were joined by more composed Arthur and Diana. Both of whom had dry clothes and their wet hair was down helping it to dry.

"We read about your debut in London while we were taking the waters in Bath," Diana said brightly. "And you do look very fine indeed." her eyes traveled her form. "I saw a little mention just a few weeks ago about you being seen cozy with the Prince Regent. Seems some print shop might have been thinking you were a new mistress but I should think not what with Lady Worcester sitting in the same box right beside you." she tittered. "Must just be some ridiculous gossip."

Mary frowned. "Well, of course, it is, after all, Charlotte is here and not at the Prince Regents side. Don't believe all you read in the papers."

Diana looked down ashamed. "I am sorry, of course, I would never think such a thing of you." she tried to correct.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Thank you, though I do hope nothing like that makes it to Wellingden."

Mary smiled. "What do you hear from your family?" she asked eagerly for both a new topic and to hear diverting news from friends.

Charlotte sighed. "I have heard nothing from my parents in nearly three weeks since I returned here. Just one letter. But it was very good telling me of their Christmas revelries. I have heard from my sisters, they are going to Hampshire in the spring to help a cousin Mrs. Granth with her nine children. She is having another this summer."

Mary shook her head. "Ten children, she must have her hands full."

Charlotte nodded. "But it is a joyous house from what I hear," she said sipping her tea as she looked out the window to see that the rain had lightened and the thunder had ceased.

"I best go before the weather starts to get rough again." Charlotte went to her bonnet and placed it carefully on and picked up her feather and delicately put it in her sac reticule.

Mary stood, "Of course. I do hope you will not be walking back." she stated concerned.

Charlotte shook her head. "I will ride back with Mr. Parker he should be waiting for me at the Crown." she put her now dry jacket back on and she opened her umbrella.

Mary kissed her on the cheek and embraced as she left bidding Arthur and Diana goodbye.

"See you at the ball in a few days," Diana said waving her handkerchief to her from the front door.

Charlotte had to dodge puddles as she lifted her skirts hoping to spare her hem some staining but the Crown Hotel was just across the street and down a little. She even passed Sidney's Pheaton still where they left it. The horse was not hooked up and she assumed It must be stabled because of the weather.

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