Chapter 71

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Entering the inn she found Sidney sitting at a table staring off into space as he puffed on one of those alluring smokes of his. She knew it to be a disgusting habit but why did he have to make it look so appealing?

"Uh, Mr. Parker?" she said approaching him.

He turned. "Come let us have a drink before we head back."

She looked around at the company and frowned. "Is it seemly?"

He shrugged. "It is public." he moved his hat and gloves and gestured her to sit across from him. "It is not impolite."

Charlotte sat down nervously and Sidney ordered her a glass of Sherry. As she took the drink she looked at him and noted his sad pensive eyes.

"What is it?" she asked.

He turned and looked at her as if only realizing for the first time that she was sitting before him.

Taking a drink he turned to a lad by the door. "Jem, be a good fellow and get my horse readied." he threw the boy a coin that was caught with skill and finesse as he slipped it into his front pocket.

"Thank ye, Mr. Parker, I will do that right away." the blond-headed boy said as he rushed off.

Sidney tensed his jaw and smoked deeply and exhaled slow. "Mr. Stringer seems to think I am holding you back from..." he felt jealousy rise in him but with a sigh, he forced it down. "....forming attachments." He put his hand to his mouth wishing to disguise the horrible face he was probably making. To think of Charlotte with another as Georgiana once told him would not be a welcome emotion. But he wanted her happy. Her eye's filled with the gentle glow of love, but he could not bring himself to accept it directed at another.

Charlotte stiffened. "My connection to Mr. Stringer and its lack of depth beyond friendship did have to do with you at one time, but right now I-" she sighed frustrated. "I like him, but I cannot love him as he deserves now that I understand what true passion is," she replied seriously. "And a good man like him deserves better."

Sidney felt his heart relax and he smoked again and smiled slightly betraying the relief her words had on him.

Charlotte looked away as she drank knowing Sidney was staring at her.

"How was Georgiana when you visited?" He asked her.

Charlotte's cheeks burned immediately and she could almost feel the folded paper burning against her chest where she knew it lay. Almost self consciously she wanted to look down to be sure it was not sticking out.

"She is not happy to be back here," Charlotte said drinking more. "As you might imagine. Quite rude to Mrs. Griffiths and the Beauford sisters."

"She takes a liking to a very few people," Sidney said. "I am glad you are one of the few."

"I suppose you think it most rude of me to bring her here, clearly against her will..." he said seriously. "I confess to needing wealthy women here like we needed last year," he said ashamed. "It is for Sanditon."

Charlotte nodded. "Like the Prince Regent said..." she whispered and drank the rest. "Men will chase a ladies as much as they chase fortunes," she said taking another drink.

He nodded and smoked his hand flexing with frustration. "Is that what you think of me?" he said with a tone that shot a bolt of fear down her spine. She wasn't as brave as she used to be before she realized her feelings for him. "A man only after a fortune?" he asked sourly.

She shook her head and opened her mouth to speak. Her eyes had grown wide.

"Your horse is ready Mr. Parker," Jem said from behind.

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