The begining of the story

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In this majestic and strange world the most powerful kingdom of all that people know of is the kingdom of Zariya.

The capital had all sorts of things that makes it so majestic to everyone who travels there or live there. The kingdom is ruled by the Todoroki's. The royal family could use secret magic. Only nobles, royals, and mages were allowed to use secret magic that had been passed down on from their ancestors.

There are many other kingdoms in the land that also practice magic. A lot of people use magic for war, for protecting their kingdoms, for entertainment, and for their daily lives to help them accomplish things faster.

Though people that live on the outskirts of the kingdoms don't practice magic because they think it is a waste of time. The people on the outskirts don't interact with the people form the kingdoms.

But Inko who had moved to the outskirts of the kingdom of Zariya was pregnant and was hoping a brighter future for her child. Everyone in the small village was nice to Inko and help her out whenever she needed it.

On one stormy night Inko went into labor, after hours of being in pain she had finally given birth to her beautiful baby girl. Inko named her daughter Izuku Midoriya, and after she named her the stormy weather had stop. Then the clouds started to disappear to reveal the beautiful stary night sky with the full moon.

Inko knew at that moment that her daughter will do something extraordinary in the future.


Years past by quickly for Inko as she watch her daughter grow. When Izuku was five years old she had started to get a interest for learning about herbs.

Whenever Inko ask Izuku what she wanted she would always tell her mother that she wanted a book about herbs.

Izuku would always get a book of herbs for her birthday, and when she was ten years old her mother gave her permission to go out and gather herbs.

Izuku started collecting herbs in the forest whenever she has the free time to do some from going to her village school and helping out her mother around the house.

When she turn twelve years old she started to make medicine from the herbs she has collected to help her village out. She started doing that because the cost of medicine from many of the kingdoms had gone up so badly that no one in her village could afford the medicine.

With her making medicine for her village they decided to start paying her for the medicine. News had spread everywhere that a young twelve year old girl had started making medicine from herbs she collects from the forests. And the medicine she makes from the herbs works wonderfully.

People started to travel to her village to see if the news were true and to see if her medicine was really good. From all the people traveling to there village. The village had started to gain more money than they ever had, and that people started to move there, and that had cause the village to grow bigger.

Then adventures had started to build a big building for all adventures to go there when they vist the village before going off on a quest.

Everyone had thank Izuku for all the good things that had happen in the village. She told them that she loves doing what she does and is happy that her skill has made their village flourish.

Then the whole village decided to build a herbalist shop for Izuku where she could put all her herbs that she has collected at and to have the room to make the medicine. They gave her the herbalist shop for free to show their gratitude.

Fours years had past on for Izuku when she would make medicine for the people in the village or the adventures before they would go on a quest. She had a friend name Shinsou that works with her at her shop.

Izuku was started to feel very bored just staying in her village and not exploring the world to find new herbs that no one had discover yet.

Izuku would always tells Shinsou on how she wanted to travel so badly but didn't want to disappoint any one, even her mom. Shinsou told her to ask her mom when she turn sixteen years old that she could explore the world instead of staying in the village for the rest of her life.

So when Izuku sixteen birthday was finally here, she prepared herself to tell her mother about how she feels and what she wants to do with her life.

After all the guest left from her party she was helping her mom with the dishes before going to bed.

When they finish washing the dishes she was ready to tell her mom. She took a deep breath and close her eyes as she said " Mom i'm sixteen years old now so I was wondering if I could explore the world to find new herbs that people haven't found yet instead of spending the rest of my life here and not being happy."

When she was all done speaking she open her eyes to see that her mother had a soft looking face.

Inko raised her hand to rub Izuku face as she spoke, "Izuku it's okay to tell me that you want to explore the world. I want you to be happy and if being able finding new herbs makes you happy then go. I don't want you staying here for the rest of your life not being happy for my sake. You are old enough to not have me around you all the time to tell you what to do or what not to do. I also know how you feel about exploring doing what you want to do, so Izuku I want you to explore the world doing whatever you want to do. Okay?"

Izuku was in tears from her mother telling her to live her life exploring, she wipe her tears away and hugged her mother for a long time.

When they stop hugging each other they both said good night to each other and went to their bedrooms for the night.

Izuku let out a sigh as she flop down on her bed happy that she soon could go exploring, she let her sleepiness take over her as she went into a peaceful slumber for the night. Waiting for the day she would get out of her village to explore the world finding things she never saw before.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and story! I hope you will continue on reading this story to see how's Izuku will liver her life exploring the world.

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