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There once was a happy couple that lived in a kingdom,high above the clouds

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There once was a happy couple that lived in a kingdom,high above the clouds. They were so happy that they were the happiest anyone has ever seen a couple be. On a very special day,a baby girl was born and they named her Aurora. She had dark black hair as dark as the night sky and her brown eyes twinkled with the same happiness and kindness that her parents shared. People believed that she was angel sent from above. An angel that could stop the ever so powerful Sith,Darth Vader. On the night of her 12th birthday,before she had went to bed,her kingdom was under attack by the Imperials. Aurora woke up to her mother shaking her awake.

"Aurora,we mustn't lallygag. Hurry. Put on your coat and shoes." Her mother says and Aurora got up and did as she was told.

"Mommy What's going on?" She asked but her mother didn't reply. Instead,she grabbed her daughters hand and ran through the familiar hallways of her childhood home.

"Mama,I'm scared." Aurora says which only earned her a shush from her mother. Soon after turning through some hallways and hiding from stormtroopers,they made it into a hanger where a small ship sat. Her father turned around and saw his daughter safe with his wife. He sighs in relief and runs to his daughter. He hugs her tightly and looks up at his wife.

"Daddy what's going on?" He kneels in front of his daughter with a serious expression on his face.

"You will board this ship and don't get off until you get to Alderaan."


"Yes...your mother and I will go with you but you will go in. We just need to do somethings first." He says and she nods. She hugs her parents before going inside the ship. As soon as she boarded,Stormtroopers came and the engines of the ship started. Aurora looked around confused. She goes to the window and sees her parents surrendering to them. Tears gathered in her eyes as she saw her parents with guns pointed at them. Soon enough the ship started to lift from the ground and Aurora puts her hands up against the glass as she watches.

"Mama papa! Please someone! Help them!" She yells but the guards didn't do anything.

"It would be against our orders,Princess. I'm sorry." He says and Aurora looks back at her parents with tears pouring down her face.


"Aurora,are you alright?" A voice shook Aurora out of her thoughts. She turns around to be met with Princess Leia Organa from Alderaan. Leia had been Aurora's best friend ever since she had arrived at Alderaan. After a couple of years of staying at her home planet,Aurora went back to her kingdom after the empire had left. Aurora had built a memorial for her parents and had ruled over her kingdom until she had a very special mission with Leia to deliver a very important message to Obi-Wan Kenobi,an old Jedi who had fought with Leia's father in the clone wars long ago.

"You've been staring at the window far too long. You sure your alright?" She asked her poor friend as she puts a hand on Aurora's shoulder. Aurora nods her head as she grabs her best friends hands.

"Yes. I just feel a little light headed is all."

"Your thinking about them again,aren't you?" Leia asked and Aurora sighs as she looks back at the starry view of the galaxy. Leia sighs and gives her best friend a side hug.

"Aurora. It's alright. Your with me and the rebels. You have nothing to worry about. We'll get to Alderaan soon and we'll go to our favorite fountain by the castle and eat our chocolates like we always do whenever we're sad." Leia says as she tries to cheer her fiend up. Aurora gives her a small smile and nods. Leia gives her friend one last hug before walking away. She stops and turns around.

"I recommend getting some sleep. I could see that you haven't been sleeping. Please sleep for my sake and yours. I don't want to see you upset." Leia says and leaves Aurora. Aurora looks at the beautiful view of the galaxy with her lips in a thin line. Memories of her parents flooded back into her mind but she shakes it off. Aurora walks back into the control room where she sees all of the guards walking around and people at the controls.

"Your highness,may I speak with you?" Aurora turns around to find Admiral Tusk looking at her. She nods and walks with him.

"We May have a problem. Our crew has spotted a few Imperial ships coming into view of the radar." Aurora stops walking and turns to him.

"What?!" She shrieks. All of her worst nightmares are suddenly coming true. Soon enough Darth Vader would come and find her and kill her just like her parents.

"We'll get ready our men if they attack. You grab Princess Leia and do not separate." He says but Aurora grabs his arm to stop him.

"What about you Joseph?" She asked and he sighs.

"I'm going to stay here with my men. Besides 'ave already done my job. Protecting you." He says and brushes a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Aurora felt tears cloud her sight and hugs him tightly.

"Be careful." She says and he nods. He lets go and she nods at him before running. She pulls up her hood and searches for Leia.

"Leia! Leia!" Aurora calls quietly. She then goes into the pipe tunnels and turns to her left and saw Leia squatting next to an R2 unit. She sees Aurora and beckons her to come over which Aurora does.

"I've heard everything. Here I've got a spare gun." Leia says and hands Aurora one which she takes. The R2 unit walks away with the C-3PO unit.

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