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Aurora sat in Luke's lap in the X-Wing as she looked out into the blueness of Hyperperspace

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Aurora sat in Luke's lap in the X-Wing as she looked out into the blueness of Hyperperspace. Luke glances down at her as she leans down on her hand that was rested on the arm rest as she puts her head against her head. Aurora then adjusted her hair and moved it to the side which caused Luke to look at her. He then caught sight of a red mark that was above her waistline. He looked at it confused. He then remembers back when they escaped Jabba.

"Come on!" Luke says and Aurora runs to him. He then grabs her waist and he felt her wince. He glances at her confused before they both swing across the float to where Han was with Lando and Chewie.

"Let's go. And don't forget the droids." Luke says and let's go of Aurora. She winces and looks at Leia who glances at her sadly before looking back at Han.

Luke felt his face scrunch up. He then realizes that Aurora must've gotten hit but something by someone and was ordered by Jabba. Luke felt his blood boil and his grip on the stick tighten. Aurora sensed his anger and held his robotic hand as she looks up at him.

"What's wrong?" She asked and he looks at her with a stern look before realizing and shaking his head.

"Nothing." He responded and Aurora gives him a concerned look.

"You sure? You seem pretty tensed." She says and he sighs.

"With everything going on,yeah. I just can't wait till this is over." He says and she chuckles.

"You and I both,Blondie." She says which causes him to smile. She then relaxes into his arms and leans against him,trying make herself comfortable. Luke felt himself blush. Aurora then plays with the ends of her hair and starts to hum. Luke then recognizes that song as what Leia sang to her when she was having her panic attack. He then smiles and pulls her closer to his chest,making Aurora blush.


They then arrived at the hanger of the Rebel ship and luke parks the ship next to another wing. Luke then presses a button and the ceiling of the ship soon started to raise. Aurora then gets up so Luke could climb down the ladder. Once he did,he helps Aurora down. Once Aurora was on the ground,they were greeted by an Admiral.

"Ah Mr. Skywalker,Your highness,we would like you to join us for the Rebel briefing. If you would follow us." The Admiral says and Luke nods along with Aurora. They both followed the Admiral down to the meeting area. Aurora and Luke soon made it and stopped at the entrance.

"Should we go in?" Aurora asked him and he shakes his head.

"The meetings already started. We'll come in after Mon Motha speaks."

"The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoint the exact location of the emperors new battle station." Mon Motha says as a projection of a planet was shown with the battle station on the side of it.

"We also know that the weapon systems of this Death Star are not yet operational. With the imperial fleet spread throughout the galaxy,in a vain effort to engage us,it is relatively unprotected." Aurora smirks. Unprotected,huh.

"But most important of all,we've learned that the emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star. Many Bothans died to bring us this information." Mon Motha says as she sadly looks down. Aurora felt her heart break at the thought of seeing these people risk their lives for this information. But then again,they all died hero's.

"Admiral Ackbar,please." Mon Motha calls on the Admiral as she has no words left to say.

"You can see here the Death Star orbiting the forest moon of Endor." Admiral Ackbar says as he walks up to the protection

"Although the weapons systems on this Death Star are not yet operational,the Death Star does have a strong defense mechanism. It is protected by an energy shield which is generated from the nearby forest moon of Endor." Admiral Ackbar says and a small yellow beacon forms from the planet and encloses the Death Star,pinpointing the location of the shield.

"The shields must be deactivated if any attacks is to be attempted. Once the shield is down,our cruisers will create a perimeter.." The projection soon focuses on the Death Star and the interior of what has to be destroyed.

"..while the fighters fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the main reactor." Admiral Ackbar explains and closes the projection.

"General Calrissian has volunteered to lead the fighter attack." At the mention of Lando's name,Aurora stood straight up and looked around the room. Her eyes then landed on Lando who had a proud look on his face.

"Good luck." Han says which causes Lando to look at him.

"You're gonna need it." Han clarifies. Leia then glances to him.

"General Madine."

"We have stolen a small imperial shuttle. Disguised as a cargo ship and using a secret imperial code,a strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator." General Madine explains the plan.

"Sounds dangerous. Who do you think it could be?" Aurora asked Luke who crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't know. But they better know what they are doing to pull it off." Luke says.

"General Solo,is your strike team assembled?" General Madine asked Han which made Aurora immediately look at Han. Luke followed her actions.

"Um,my teams ready. I don't have a command crew for the shuttle." Han confesses.

"Arrr!" Chewie exclaims as he raised his fist in the air.

"It's going to be rough,pal. I didn't wanna speak for you."

"Arr!" Chewie argues back raising his fist again.

"That's one." Han says with a smile.

"General...count me in." Leia says with a smile.

"I'm with you,too." Luke says and Aurora followed suit.

"I am also." She says and walks down the steps to meet up with Leia and Han. Leia and Luke hug while Han and Aurora hug.

"Hey." Han greets and she smiles up at him. Aurora then let's Chewie's head and he gives her a bear hug.

"Okay. Okay. Chewie." Aurora says with giggles. Aurora let's go of Chewie and finds herself in the arms of Leia.

"I missed you." Leia confesses which made Aurora chuckle.

"What? I've only been gone for about three hours." Aurora says literally. Leia then let's go of her and held her hands.

"I know." Leia says which makes Aurora roll her eyes and giggle at her best friends childish behavior.

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