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Aurora looked around the ship then she heard heavy footsteps come her way and she turns to be met with an agitated Leia

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Aurora looked around the ship then she heard heavy footsteps come her way and she turns to be met with an agitated Leia.

"What happened?" Aurora asked and Leia sighs.

"That man is being one of the most ignorant beings in the whole galaxy."

"Who,Luke?" Aurora asked as she sat next to Leia at the holotable.

"No. His friend." Leia answers,sneering at the word friend.

"Ah Mr. Solo. What has he done to upset you Lei?" Aurora asked her friend and she sighs.

"This whole thing seemed to be a mistake for him. He's only in it for money. Something all guys want." Leia mumbles and Aurora hums.

"Well he is a smuggler and they are always in for the money. He's not bad looking..." Aurora then glances at Leia who glares at her.

"Don't you dare set me up with that...man! Besides I already saw you eying Mr. Skywalker anyway. So your the one to talk." Leia says and Aurora blushes. She then looks down in embarrassment and Leia chuckles. She then playfully hits her shoulder with Aurora and they both start to laugh.

"We're reaching Yavin. What are you laughing at?" Han asks as he came in the room,confused by the two laughing.

"Nothing." Aurora says as she tries to hold in her laughs but fails and bursts out laughing with Leia doing the same. Luke then comes in and sees Leia laughing with Aurora. He looks at Aurora and sees her beautiful smile. He thought that her laugh was music to his ears.

"What's going on? Why are they laughing?" Luke asks as he still looks at Aurora.

"I have no idea,kid. I don't wanna know." Han says as he walks back into the cockpit with the Wookie right behind him. Luke looks at Aurora as she laughs with Leia. Aurora then looks up and sees Luke. She waves at him with her red face. He waves back and she smiles at him.


They soon landed on Yavin and they got out of the ship. They walked into a docking bay and saw people in some kind of drivable mobile. Aurora carries her dress and gets on with the help of Luke. Luke sits next to her as she sits next to Leia and she say next to Han. Someone drove them window the hanger where they kept all of the X-wings. They soon stopped and Aurora got off quickly along with Leia. They soon smiled as they saw Commander Willards.

"You're save. When we heard about Alderaan,we feared the most." Commander Willards says as he hugs Leia then Aurora.

"We have no time for sorrows,Commander. You must use the information on this R2 unit to help plan the attack. It's our only hope." Leia explains to him and he nods.

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