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It's been three years since the battle of Yavin and Aurora has never felt so sad

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It's been three years since the battle of Yavin and Aurora has never felt so sad. Sure she was very happy to see her kingdom holding on together,but she had counted the days that she dreaded to see him. The infamous Luke Skywalker who was a Tatooine boy that helped the Rebels defeat the DEATH STAR by using his best piloting abilities. Aurora has missed his witty remarks,whining,his adorable cute smile,and his ocean blue eyes that looked like it lit up an entire galaxy. Not like she hadn't miss Leia and Han,but something about Luke made her interested in him within each passing day. What was his backstory? She hadn't heard much about him but she could tell that he had been through a lot within those short days. His eyes would tell a story of a young boy with a big ambition and dream to be a pilot,but something in him changed and Aurora couldn't tell what it was. But the better question was,who were his parents? Aurora had heard that Luke had lived on Tatooine with his Aunt and Uncle but not his parents.

"Aurora? You've been looking at that paper for lord knows how long. Hello?" A hand comes in front of Aurora's face and she comes back in reality. Aurora then looks up and sees her closest friend and maid,Madeleine.

"Huh? Oh sorry...I-I was just-"

"You were thinking about Mr. Skywalker weren't you." Madeleine says and puts her folded hands under her cheek.

"What no I-" Madeleine cuts her off by a squeal.

"Your blushing so much. I knew it. You have that dazed face ever single time you think or talk about him. You guys are so cute. You would make a totally great couple." Aurora sighs and gets up from her desk as she shakes her head.

"No I can't. If and I say if I wanted to I couldn't. Besides you know the rules. I can't marry a man that doesn't have knowledge about ruling a kingdom. Even if I wanted to,Lando would stop me. You know how he is,besides who would want to marry a prisoned princess who pretends that she's okay when she's really not?" Aurora asked and looks down as we plays with her hands. Madeleine comes in front of her with a sympathetic smile as she takes her hands.

"Your not a prisoner. You are a Princess of one of the most beautiful places in the whole galaxy,well besides Alderaan,but those rules don't define who you are. Those rules make this kingdom what it is today but that doesn't mean to give up hope. At least give those suitors a chance,besides who knows,Luke maybe one of them." Madeleine says and nudges her shoulder. Aurora rolls her eyes and smiles. Aurora then looks at the clock and gasps.

"Cassian will arrive in a couple of minutes. Come on." Aurora says and takes Madeleine hand and drags her out of the office and into her private chambers. Madeleine helped her into her dress and Lando comes in just in time to see Aurora putting on her earrings.

"Hey girls,Prince Cassain is here. He's in the throne room." Lando says and Aurora nods.

"Alright." Aurora responds as she picks up her Kyber crystal necklace that Luke gave her. Madeleine smirks as she watches her out it on. She knew that it was a gift from Skywalker himself. Aurora had told Madeleine everything that occurred. From being captured by Vader to Luke saving her and Leia with the help of Han and Chewie. Aurora then checks herself in the mirror and nods. Lando goes to her side and holds out an arm. Aurora takes it and walks out of her room with Madeleine trailing behind,watching the dress. The throne room door opens and Aurora descended the stairs looking at the Prince Cassian of Laurn. Laurn was a planet that was in the second system. Aurora's father used to go there with her mother to have some special meetings with Cassian's parents. Once Aurora was down the steps,Lando let's her go and goes next to Madeleine.

"Aurora. It's been so long since I've seen you. You've grown more beautiful,like an angel." Cassian says and one of his men that stood behind him high fives him.

"We will not tolerate such foolish behavior Cassian and you know that. And you've gotten to be a little...handsome." Aurora says and he smirks at her. Aurora had never liked Cassian. When they first met,he 'accidentally' threw a rock at her which left a mark on her upper part of her head which she had it hidden by having hair over it.

"Aw thank you. Would you be so considerate to give me a tour of your beautiful kingdom. I've heard lots of stories of it." Cassian says and Aurora held her breath. She had tried so hard to resist from hitting his cocky smirk off of his face.

"I'd be glad to." Aurora answers but she looks at Lando who nods at her. Aurora gulps and takes Cassians hand that was held out. Aurora led him throughout the city and finally she showed him her room. Her room laid on the highest point of the city so she could see her people and the beautiful view of the sky from the floating city.

"And this is my private quarters. This is one of the highest places and views of the city. Where I can see the clouds and my people. Unlike you Cassian,I have a heart for my people." Aurora exclaims as she watched him look around her bedroom in awe of the choice of color.

"Still the same disappointing princess from all those years ago." He says as he faces her.

"Why are you really here Cassian? It's unlike you to just come and visit me out of the blue even after your kingdom didn't help me after my parents perished. You are possibly onto something. Giving the look your giving me,I must be right." Aurora says and Cassian looked at her with a scoff.

"Come on,Aurora. Your my best girl. Remember that time when you always looked at me like you desired me?"

"Which I never did." Aurora angrily fired back as she glared at him.

"You never liked me. You always something bigger than you could get. Your ego has gotten the best of you,Cassian. To the point where I could tell where you wanted to do something about it. And my doing it,it was planning to make me your bride so you could have Cloud Cities people and the kingdom. It isn't going to happen. I could see right through you." Aurora angrily says as she looks at him. He then chuckles and walks up to her.

"Oh Aurora,clever and funny as always." He says as he caresses her cheek with his finger. She flinches and moves away from his touch. He then glares at her.

"You will become my bride and I will have your kingdom."

"Why? What makes you so power hungry for my kingdom and for me? Why are you aiming for me?" She asks as she back away.

"When I was a child I had an ambition I couldn't get away. An ambition to rule an entire kingdom." Cassian says as he gestures to her kingdom.

"But don't you have one? Laurn is it not?" Aurora asks.

"That's the point! My parents didn't trust me enough to have me rule over the kingdom. I'm stuck as their prince but not anymore." Aurora's eyes widened.

"Please don't tell me..."

"Oh no I didn't kill them. I had someone else do it for me and I paid them greatly for it. That is why I need you as my queen. We could rule yours and mine together,side by side. What do you say?" He asks as he holds out a hand.

"No." Aurora says quietly as she shakes her head.

"No. I won't. What you did was nothing but manslaughter. Your parents cared for you deeply-"

"THEY NEVER DID! They never payed any attention to their son all they cared about was politics and the empire but never about their own son." Aurora shakes her head and looks down. She plays with her necklace and Cassian notices it.

"Is that a Kyber crystal?" He asks and she looks up at him.

"Why do you care?"

"Who gave that to you?" Cassian asks as he walks closer to her but stops as she backs away.

"Someone that cares deeply for me." She responds and Cassian glares at her.

"You will be my bride and I'll make sure of it. You will be considered lucky to rule with me." Aurora then scoffs.

"To what,rule wide by side with a killer? I think not." She says and Cassian moves closer to her.

"Take one more step closer and I will press the button behind me to call in all of my guards including Lando since you are unarmed you murderous snake!" Aurora exclaims as she moves closer to the button. Cassian glares at her and walks to the door but stops. He faces her.

"Your nothing without me,nothing.
You might as well just been seen and not heard from,Princess." He says and leaves. Aurora then let's go of the breath she had been holding to and leans against the wall. Tears gathered in her eyes but she did not cry...she couldn't cry.

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