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Soon enough the walls started to close in which made Aurora more scared than she ever was

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Soon enough the walls started to close in which made Aurora more scared than she ever was. The Wookie growls as Aurora puts a hand on the boys arm.

"The walls are moving!" The boy yells.

"Don't just stand there. Try and brave it with something." Leia says and Aurora looks everywhere. She then helps the boy look for something to brace the walls with.

"Help me." Leia says to the man and he helps her put the pipe against the wall to try to stop the wall from coming closer. Aurora pushes the garbage to the wall but it was no use,the walls were coming closer.

"Wait a minute." The boy says as he finally takes out his com-link. Aurora struggles to push the garbage along with Leia and the man who still had the pipe propped up.

"3PO! Come in,3PO!" The boy yells into the com-link. The boy helps Aurora with one arm against the trash and the other hand with the com-link.

"3PO! Where could he be?" The boy yells again. Aurora sighs.

"This is never going to work." She says and the boy looks at her. He ignores her comment. Aurora pushes the garbage with the help of the boy. The man still had the pipe against the two walls,hoping it would save them more time to get out.

"3PO. Come on,3PO." The boy yells in the com-link.

"3PO." The boy calls again. Still no answer. Aurora couldn't believe this was it. All of all the places she dies,she dies in a trash compactor.

"Get on top." The man says as he lifts Leia on top of the garbage.

"I can't." She says in defense.

"Where could he be? 3Po." The boy calls and Aurora pushes,her back pressed against the garbage as the boy helps her.

"3PO,will you come in?" The boy asks the com-link. Aurora gasps as she pushes. She stops pushing and look at her arm. There was a big gash that started to bleed. The boy looks at her surprised.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he takes her arm to inspect the gash.

"I-I'm fine. Besides we've got bigger problems to deal with. She says as she goes back to pushing.

"One things for sure. We're all gonna be a lot thinner." The man says.

"Get on top of it." The man says as he helps Leia.

"I'm trying." Leia says agitated. Soon enough the space was so small that the boy had to be in front of Aurora and started to push the other wall. Aurora grunts as she pushes. All of this pushing was no use.

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