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The sounds of guns and men screaming woke Aurora from her pleasant slumber

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The sounds of guns and men screaming woke Aurora from her pleasant slumber. Raja raises her head also.

"What could be going on? Lando! Madeleine is that you?" Aurora calls from her bed. She gets up and puts on a robe and slippers before walking out of her room. Aurora walks through the silent white halls of her home. It felt so different...so...eerie. Soon enough blasters were heard and Aurora his behind a pillar along with Raja.

"I couldn't find her,my lord. Her chambers are empty." Someone says.

"We will find her and we will discus our plans involving this...desolate place." She heard an all too familiar voice say.

"Vader. What's he doing here and better yet what does he want now?" Aurora asks herself before silently running away. Aurora walks quietly into Lando's office and stood in front of the clear glass stained window. Lando always wanted a clear view of the city and the clouds. Aurora closes her eyes as she felt the beam of the sun shine down on. She felt at peace.

"I've found her,my lord." One man said.

"Lead me to her. I want to discus some plans with her." She heard Vader say and she heard him enter as soon as her eyes opened.

"Greetings Vader,what brings you here?" Aurora says as she turns around to face the Sith Lord.

"We are here to discus future plans with your kingdom."

"What do you want of my people and my palace? As you do know,we don't allow people to just walk in here whenever they like." Aurora says as she glares at him and the people that stood behind him.

"I may walk into places whenever I like,your highness. You might as well get used to it. Now,I am here to discus the future plans I have for this place." Aurora glares at him and gulped.

"No." She says and Vader looks up at her.

"What did you say?" He asks and Aurora glares even more.

"I said no. I already know what you are doing,Vader. Your planning to get something...or someone. Your looking and finding and you realize that this spot is safe for anyone so you might as well take it upon yourself to come up here,very boldly I might add,and present yourself before me,asking for my palace." Aurora scoff as she looks away from him then back to him.

"It's a hard no. Now I'll have my men escort you out." Aurora says but Vader doesn't move. Aurora looks at him in shock. She's not surprised that he has made this bold move.

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