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Aurora stood in next to Jabba,holding his plate of food filled with God knows what

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Aurora stood in next to Jabba,holding his plate of food filled with God knows what. Aurora smelt the food and looked away,disgusted. She wore a beautiful red bikini along with a skirt that was up to her waist. She wore jewelry on her leg and in her leg. She wore beautiful jewelry also on her head but she hates it because it would make her head itchy. She wore her hair in a high ponytail with braids coming up from the bottom of the ponytail. Jabba's friend would say she looked beautiful,Aurora felt disgusted. She hates showing her body in front of people. She was royalty and she hates every second of it. Aurora then looks down and sees Leia wearing a slave outfit also. She wore the same as Aurora but it was a dark greenish outfit with golden patterns on her bikini. Leia had her hair in a high ponytail,her long beautiful hair braided down to her backside. Aurora felt bad for Leia,being seated on Jabba's throne like she was some prize. Aurora then was pulled back and she gasped. This made Aurora drop the plate full of Jabba's food. Jabba then growls and he pulls Aurora's chain close,making her come close to him. Aurora felt his breath and she flinches his head back.

"Get me some more,Princess." Jabba taunted and pushes her to the ground. Aurora yelps and looks back up to Jabba,glaring at him. She then looks at Leia who gave her a sympathetic smile. Aurora shakes her head as she gets up. She then grabs the plate and walks to the kitchen. Aurora then puts her hand inside a tray of Jabba's food that moved as she tries to get them. Aurora's breath hitches as she puts them on the plate one by one. Aurora then felt tears in her eyes and soon lets out a sob. Aurora then falls to the floor and puts her backhand to her mouth as she cries. She hates being like this. It was disgusting! Then a hand was placed in her shoulder which causes Aurora to jerk and look up. There stood a slave of Jabba's. She was a blue Twi'lek. She wore the same clothes as Aurora but it was black.

"Are you alright? Your trembling." She asked and Aurora let's it all out. The Twi'lek then holds Aurora and hugs her. Aurora hugs back and closes her eyes.

"It's okay. We're all gonna be okay." She soothes Aurora and soon enough Aurora pulls back. The Twi'lek wipes away her tears and smiles at her.

"What's your name,dear?" She asked and Aurora looks up at her.


"Your gonna be okay,Aurora." The Twi'lek says which causes Aurora to smile. Soon enough they heard a hushed male voice and Jabba growling.

"Where is my food?!" He demanded harshly which causes Aurora to whimper.

"Hey,you could do this. Just don't be scared and prove to them that your worth it. You can do this. I believe in you." The Twi'lek says and Aurora hugs her.

"Thank you." Aurora says and the Twi'lek helps her stand. They smiled at each other and soon Aurora felt her chain being pulled by a guard.

"I think I should go." The Twi'lek nods and Aurora grabs the plate. Aurora was then lead to the door but she stops. She then twins around to the Twi'lek.

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