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Aurora looks at the view of her kingdom from a window,fiddling with her Kyber crystal necklace

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Aurora looks at the view of her kingdom from a window,fiddling with her Kyber crystal necklace. Aurora had thought about Luke lately and how she would be seeing him soon. Her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of him after three years.

"Your highness,a ship is here. There's a man that's says that he claims to know Lando and a woman who claims to know you." One of the ships hanger officers told her.

"Did you get their names?" Aurora asks as she breaks contact with the beautiful view to look at the woman.

"Yes,they said that their names are Han Solo and Leia Organa." Aurora's eyes widened.

"Let them in. Give them a landing pad also." Aurora says and the woman nods before walking away.

"Sarah,was there a man named Luke Skywalker by any chance?" Aurora asked the officer but she shakes her head.

"No I don't think I recall hearing that name." Aurora felt her heart shatter a bit.

"Okay,thank you. Tell Lando I'll be in my room." Aurora says and walks away,still fiddling with her necklace. Where could Luke be? Surely he wasn't far,right? Aurora walked in her room and was greeted by Madeleine petting Raja. Madeleine looks up and smiles at Aurora.

"I saw a ship pass by,is your Skywalker there?" She asks and Aurora shakes her head.

"No it's my other friends,Han Solo and Leia Organa. I have a very bad feeling about this. I feel like the reason why Vader came here is to trap Han and Leia to lure Luke here. Oh no,what if he is?" Aurora asks with tears in her eyes. Madeleine comes to her friend and hugs her.

"It's going to be okay. You'll see him again,I have a feeling you will. Besides,he's a Skywalker,right? He'll come and rescue you like Princes do when a Princess needs saving. I think you should go greet them. I have some stuff to do." Madeleine says and Aurora nods and wipes away her tears. With one last hug,Madeleine leaves her room and Aurora looks at Raja who titles her head at her. Aurora giggles and pets her before getting up.

"Come on,Raja. Time to greet some old friends." Aurora says and walks out of her room with Raja beside her. When Aurora turns a hallway,she saw Lando.

"Lando. I've heard they came in today. Where are they?" Aurora asks him.

"They're in room 250,don't worry. I gave them one of the best rooms in this palace." Lando says and Aurora didn't take to walk up those stairs. She then turns into a hallway and walks into the doorway and was greeted by Han and Leia,very close to each other. Raja purred which made the two jump.

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