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Aurora walks down the hall and overhears someone bickering

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Aurora walks down the hall and overhears someone bickering.

"This is the 15th time she said no to another suitor. What am I to do Madeleine?" Lando asks as he rubs his forehead in anger.

"I don't know. Aurora is being herself to these men. She's trying to see who would rule her kingdom the rightful way. I have to agree,all of the other suitors were more...what you call it? Serious? A king and a queen should fill their kingdom with happiness and not just always sadness and war. That's what Aurora looks in a man. Not always the face of war but happiness and care for the people." Madeleine expresses which makes Aurora smile.

"But that's no what her parents wanted. They wanted-"

"Wanted me to what? Sit and wait till I was old and raggedy?" Aurora interrupts. Lando looks up at her.

"You declined,again. He left this city in a rage I have not seen before. What is wrong with you,Aurora? That is the 15th time you said no out of all the suitors we had for you." Aurora rolls her eyes at Lando.

"What is wrong with me? Nothing. Nothing is wrong. But why can't I lead? I have been waiting for this moment my whole life. If only I can lead-"

"You can't lead! You need someone else to lead." Lando says and Aurora sighs.

"Having a stranger rule my kingdom is out of the line. My parents wouldn't have wanted this. They put their trust into someone they cared and trusted their whole life and your just wasting it,day by day." Aurora says and Lando looks at her.

"That would be breaking the law and my promise to your parents. They want you to be happy with someone who could rule the entire city." Aurora shakes her head.

"Am I not worthy enough to rule? Is that what your saying Lando? Because I'm a stupid girl who will make mistakes and mess up?" Lando sighs.

"You will have a suitor tomorrow evening. I will send him a message." Lando says and looks down at his papers taht laid into his desk.

"And who will it be this time?" Aurora asks without interest.

"Prince Aunders from Jakku." Lando answers and Aurora scoffs.

"That place is nothing but just sand and scavengers. Why would someone have a kingdom there?" Aurora asks and Madeleine shrugs.

"You better not mess this one up." Lando warms which causes Aurora to look up at him offended.

"I'm sorry,I'm not the one who wanted suitors bestowed upon me and ask me directly for my hand in marriage when I clearly don't know them."

"Congratulations. Might as well marry a scruffy looking nobody then if you won't take these opportunities."

"He isn't scruffy looking." Aurora says agitated.

"Who isn't? You better not be talking about that Skywalker boy." Lando says and Aurora rolls her eyes.

"He isn't like the others. He's different. He could lead a great many if you could only give him a chance and-"

"What? Let a pilot rule a kingdom? Aurora you already know my answer. He doesn't even have knowledge,hell he probably came from a scrappy place that he called home."

"Enough! I won't let you be rude to him. He saved the Rebellion from getting killed from Darth Vader. Isn't that as shocking as enough? But you...you want the impossible. You want experienced manslaughters to become my husband and rule my kingdom. I don't think so."

"Stop! You are going to marry these suitors and that's final! I don't care about your opinions and tales that you have made into your mind because you need someone to rule the kingdom!" Lando yells at her and Aurora's breath hitches. She looks in utter disbelief at Lando then turns to Madeleine.

"Mads?" Aurora asks her dear beloved friend but she just looks down in shame. Aurora then hugs and shakes her head.

"I was right about one thing,you have gotten mad." Aurora says to Lando and angrily walks out of his office. As Aurora walks the halls of her kingdom,she felt tears come down from her eyes. Aurora wipes them away quickly. She had always hated crying in front of people. It made her look weak. As soon as she made it to her room,she closes the door and sighs. Her tiger she named Raja,comes to her and nudges his head on her leg with a purr. She smiles and pets her head.

"I'm sorry Raja,I've been so busy. With suitors.." Raja growled at the word which made Aurora chuckle.

"I know...the men are stupid to notice that a girl needs to rule for once." Raja purrs in agreement. Aurora then walks up to the mirror to take off her dress.

"Right. I don't need a prince or even a king to tell me what to do." She then stops when she sees the Kyber crystal.
"I need to give you something." He says and takes out a necklace. He then reveals the pendant to be a beautiful crystal shaped necklace.

"It's beautiful what is it?" She asked as she touches and inspects the crystal.

"It's a Kyber crystal. It's what powers up a Jedi's lightsaber. I found it when I was at Old Ben's place back on Tatooine. You like it?" He asks as he looks at her beautiful amazed face.

"I love it. It's very beautiful. Would you mind putting it on me?" She asks and he nods. She then turns around and pulls up her hair. He then brings the necklace to her neck and locks it in place. His hands lightly brush her skin which made her breath hitch at the sudden contact. One he was finished,she faces him. She then realizes how close she was to him. His hands were on her waist and her hands were on his shoulders.

Aurora smiles at the memory of the almost kissing as she fiddles with the necklace. She then frowns as she remembers Lando's words. Aurora sighs and takes off the necklace and places it in her jewelry box. She takes off her dress and puts on her nightgown. She then walks to bed with Raja sitting in front of her bed. Aurora smiles and lays on her bed,thinking of the events that's occurred in her life. Luke saving her from Vader,Luke giving her the necklace,Luke almost kissing her,Cassian almost marrying her,Cassian murdering his family because he wasn't king. Aurora shakes her mind off of those things and begins to close her eyes,dreaming of seeing Luke Skywalker again.

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