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After walking through the bright corridor,Aurora and Luke jumped down and the door behind them closed

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After walking through the bright corridor,Aurora and Luke jumped down and the door behind them closed. It echoes throughout the room and Aurora had never seen this room before. She started to feel her heart race again which made her tighten her grip on his hands. They then walked through the unknown room and stoped when they heard Vader's all too familiar breathing. Luke pushes Aurora behind him as they both saw him. Luke then ignites his lightsaber. Vader then walks closer to them both rather threateningly. Vader then raises his ruby red lightsaber and points it at Luke. Aurora then hears something and looks to her right. Pipes then soon came off the wall and onto Luke.

"Luke!" She yells but he slices it with his saber. Aurora backs away and watches as  Luke battles Vader. All she heard was lightsaber clashing into one another until Luke gets hit in the head with something. Aurora gasps but Luke then regains his strength and looks at Vader with his lightsaber pointed at him. Vader then sends something Luke's way but Luke slices it with his saber. Vader then sends something at Luke which hits his back. Vader then sends stuff at Luke which made him grunt in pain. Aurora looks away and tries to find something to throw or it at Vader. She then looks behind her and sees a blaster. She then grabs to get it. She then looks back when she hears a gust of wind. The window that was behind Luke was broken and Aurora held onto on the pole. Luke was too weak to grab onto anything and he fell. Aurora eyes widened. She then runs in front of Vader and tries to shoot him. Vader deflects it with his saber. Aurora shoots until she was next to the window. She then jumps down after Luke. She then screams but was saved by Luke. He held her hand as he held onto the rails. He then pulls her up so that she could hold the rails. He then climbs up and helps her up. He then tries to catch his breath but was pulled into a hug by Aurora. She then smiles at him. He smiles back and looks at the necklace that laid on her neck. The Kyber crystal that he gave her shimmered in the light.

"We've better get going." Aurora says and Luke nods in agreement. He then helps her up and they held hands as they ventured on through the unfamiliar path. Luke and Aurora walked by the walls and see if there was a sign of Vader,but no sign. They then come into another corridor. Aurora looks around and sees two computers.

"I've never seen this part of the palace before. It's all so...new." Aurora says as she felt dis belonged in her own palace. They then continued to walk until Luke had perfectly dived Vader's lightsaber. Aurora then backs away and held the blaster tightly in her hand as she watches them duel again. She then backs away as Luke comes closer to her. She then walks out of the corridor and back outside. Vader then swings at Luke but hits the railing instead. Aurora then runs behind Luke as he battles. She then glances behind her and sees that there was no where else to hide. Luke and Vader dame closer and Aurora found herself at the rails by some kind of satellite. Aurora flinches as Vader hits the rails. The Luke falls and Vader held his saber at his face.

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