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They soon walked quickly through the corridors,making sure they didn't hear or see any Stormtroopers or officers

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They soon walked quickly through the corridors,making sure they didn't hear or see any Stormtroopers or officers.

"There she is." He says and Leia and Aurora looked down the chute to see a big beautiful white ship. Aurora felt her mouth drop open at how big the ship was. It reminded her of someone who had the same ship.

"C-3PO,do you copy?" Luke asked the com-link.


"Are you safe?" Luke asked the droid.

"For the moment." The droid replies.

"We're in the main hanger across from the ship." The droid says and Aurora still looked in awe of the ship and saw Stormtroopers. She then glares at them.

"We're right about you. Stand by." Luke says as he puts away his com-link,still keeping out. Leia then pulls on the mans shirt.

"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought." Leia says clearly surprised.

"Nice. Come on." The man replies and they all ran after him. They then turned into another corridor and saw Stormtroopers.

"It's then. Blast them." One says and they all started to blast. The man blasts them and runs after them. Aurora clings onto Luke and all does Leia.

"Get back to the ship!" The man yells and Aurora sent him a shocked look.

"What about you?!" Aurora yells back.

"We're are you going? Come back!" Luke yells.

"He certainly had courage." Leia mumbles and Aurora nods. They watched as the Wookie follows the man.

"What good will it do us if he gets himself killed? Come on." Luke says and grabs Aurora's hand and she grabs Leia's. Luke leads them into a corridor. Aurora yelps as she hears blasters their way. Luke then let's go of Aurora and blasts them then runs,following Leia and Aurora. They then ran into a cliff and Luke was about to fall,but Aurora pulled him back.

"I think we took a wrong turn." He says then Stormtroopers came behind them and blasted them. Aurora yelps and puts her arms around her head. Leia then turns and pushes a button. The door comes sliding down and Aurora sighs in relief.

"Thank Leia." Aurora says and she smiles at her friend who smiles back.

"There's no lock." Leia says as she looks at the pad. Aurora sighs as she held the wall. Luke then pulls Leia to Aurora and shoots at the control pad.

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