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Aurora and Leia watched as Luke,Han,and Chewie were all on a speeder that was filled with guards

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Aurora and Leia watched as Luke,Han,and Chewie were all on a speeder that was filled with guards. Aurora couldn't bear to witness Luke dying in front of her,it made her heart heavy. Leia senses her friends uneasiness and held her hand. Aurora looks at her and Leia gave her a small smile which Aurora returned. Soon enough they were both pulled by Jabba and shoved into his face. Leia along with Aurora,leaned their heads back away from his nasty and disgusting face.

"Soon you both will learn to appreciate me." Aurora then glares at him.

"I don't think I will." Aurora spits out and she is hit in the back by a whip from Bib Fortuna. Aurora screams and falls to the ground in pain. She was then forcefully grabbed by the guards and moved in front of Jabba again. Aurora's head was down and she had tears in her eyes that fell. Jabba then puts a finger under her chin to make her look at him. Leia looked at Aurora's back and saw the red gash that laid on her back. It stretched from her shoulder to above her waistline. Leia's eyes started to water a bit. She hates her friend getting hurt and mistreated. Leia then glares at Jabba. The float then comes to a stop and Leia along with Aurora,turn around. They watched as Luke was pushed towards the plank that lead to the Sarlacc Pit,where the monster was waiting for his food to be served. Chewie then roars and Jabba begins to speak,his voice booming within the float.

"Victims of the almighty Sarlacc,His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy,the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas." 3PO says through the mic.

"Tibi Jedi." Jabba says and Leia holds Aurora's hand.

"3PO,you tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from us! Right?" Han asks Chewie and he roars in agreement. Aurora didn't pay attention to Han but to Luke. She watched him sadly as he was close to the plank that would lead to his death.

"Jabba,this is your last chance. Free us it die." Luke warns and everyone laughs. Aurora looks around uncomfortably and then looks back at Luke. Please don't die. I need you alive. I love yo-. Aurora then shakes her head from her thought and continues to watch.

"Move him into position." Jabba orders and a guard behind Luke uses his stick and pushes Luke onto the plank. Aurora's breath hitches and she gulps. Tears clouded her eyes as she watched him. Luke then looks at Lando and nods at him. Luke then salutes and jumps off. Aurora gasps as she saw him hold onto the plank and use the force to summon his lightsaber from R2 as he did a backflip. He then lands in his feet and turns on his saber. Aurora smiles as she sees Luke start fighting the guards with his saber. Lando then takes off his helmet and starts to fight. Aurora glances proudly at Leia who shared the same look. Luke then took off Chewie's restraints and then Han's. Everyone the grabs their blasters and starts to attack Luke. One guard shoots at the float then Lando falls down into the pit,while holding onto a rope. He held it tightly as he can.

"Help!" Lando falls and Aurora then sees Boba Fett flying down to the float using his jet. Luke then turns around and swings at Boba. Boba then shoots and Han falls to the ground with Chewie onto of him.

"Chewie,you're hit? Where is it?" Han asked and Boba then shoots out a rope that then came around Luke. Luke struggles to get out of the rope but uses his saber to dodge a blaster that was being hit at him. Aurora gasps. This wasn't going according to plan. Boba then falls down and Lando calls for Han and Chewie while hanging from the rope at the bottom of the float,trying not to get close to the pit. Luke then turns around and sees lasers coming from the other float. Luke then runs and jumps onto it. Boba then gets back up and sees Luke dogging the blasters.

"Boba Fett?" Boba then raises his arm blaster at Luke. Aurora gasps and held into Leia's hand tightly.

"Boba Fett? Where?" Han asked and turns around with a stick. The stick hits Boba's jet pack and Boba comes up flying while screaming. Luke the proceeds to fight the guards and Boba Fett hits Jabba's float and falls down into the pit. The Sarlacc monster then burps and Aurora looks at it disgusted. Jabba then gets angry and mumbles. Leia then turns around and hits the control panel. Just then the windows close along with the lights. Leia then jumps over Jabba and holds onto her chain.

"Come and help me." Aurora doesn't hesitate and comes to the opposite side of Jabba. They both then pulled their chains and try to suffocate Jabba. Jabba then screams and moans in pain before letting his last breath go. His head then droops down and he closes his eyes. Aurora and Leia make their way in front of Jabba,smiling. They then high fives each other before going into action. They then saw R2 and R2 cuts off both of their chains.

"Come on. We've gotta get out of here." Leia says and they make their way across the float. Aurora was then pulled by a guard and she gasps. Leia then turns around and sees her. Aurora the head buts the guards,slides between his legs,and kicks him,making his fall forward. Aurora then grabs his blaster and chucks a blaster towards Leia.

"Let's go." Aurora says and they make their way up to the balcony of the float. Aurora then sees Luke struggling with a couple of guards. She then shoots one guard and Luke looks at her. She then makes her way to him.

"Good to see you alive,Blondie." She says and he smiles at her.

"You as well. Get the gun! Point it at the deck!" He says to Leia and she makes her way to the big guns and points it to the deck. One guard then blasts Luke robotic hand and Luke groans. Luke then swings at the guard making him fall. Once Aurora saw no guards,she then turns around and sees Luke grab onto a rope. Leia does the same but with a different one.

"Come on!" Luke says and Aurora runs to him. He then grabs her waist and they both swings across the float to where Han was with Lando and Chewie.

"Let's go. And don't forget the droids." Luke says and let's go fo Aurora.

"We're on our way." Lando says and Aurora looks at the float. It was burning and she starts to have tears form her eyes. Lando then stops and uses a magnet to pick up 3PO and R2. After that,Aurora watches as the float explode. Aurora puts a hand over her mouth and chocked out a sob. Luke,Han,and Leia turn around and saw Aurora sink to the ground,sobbing. Luke rushes to her side and Aurora starts to cry. Leia then goes to her side and Aurora starts to hyperventilate. She then tugs her collar that was uses for the chain that Jabba pulled.

"T-Take it off. Take it off!" Aurora yells and Luke at her concerned and Leia knew what was happening.

"She's having a panic attack. Luke take off her collar." Leia says and Luke nods. He then stretches out a hand and uses the force to make the collar fall off her neck. She then sobs harder and Leia sighs.

"Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memories
Sleep my darling safe and sound
For in this river all is found." Leia sings to Aurora's she held her in her arms. Luke watches and sees Aurora stops breathing hard and calms down. He then smiles and leans forward and kisses Aurora's forehead and gets up to go to Han. Leia smiles at Luke and holds Aurora close to her as she hums.

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