/13\ Your Daughter

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Candice's POV:

"Cara, be careful sweetie!" I called out, quickly running after my 4 year old daughter. I scooped her up into my arms and she squealed, squirming around.

"Silly girl." I laughed. I carefully put her back down at took a hold of her hand as we walked through the mall. "Stay with mummy, ok?" I said softly. "Otay." She giggled.

"Mummy , he looks like the man in photos!" She pointed out a few minutes later. "Don't point sweetheart, it's rude." I whispered. I looked over to her direction and squinted a little, trying to see who it was.

The moment I realised that I was my ex boyfriend, I quickly turned around and pulled Cara with me. "ITS DADDY! DADDDYY!" She squealed.

I had told her before about her Dad and she obviously remembered. "Shh sweetie. Daddy doesn't like us." I whispered.

"Candice?" Someone asked softly behind me.
I slowly turned around, meeting the face I haven't seen since he left me when I was pregnant. "Harry..." I breathed out.

"It's.. it's good to see you." He smiled.
He looked down at Cara and his face dropped and he looked back up at me.

"Is this- is this our daughter?" He asked, tearing up. "DADDY!" Cara yelled, running into his arms. Harry knelt down and embraced her, tears in his eyes.

"Yes- yes it is Harry." I sniffed, wiping my eyes.
"She's stunning, like you." He said, looking up.

He still gave me butterflies, after 4 years.
"Don't be sad Daddy!" Cara pouted. Harry scooped her up and I felt so happy to finally see our daughter in Harry's arms.

"Wow." I whispered. I watched them in awe as they laughed together, messing around.

I didn't waste time running up to Harry and wrapping my arms around him. He balanced Cara in one arm and hugged me tightly with the other.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, placing Cara down by his side. "I'm so sorry for leaving you. And missing out in all the wonderful things. I'm sorry for not being there at her birth. I'm sorry for not being there when she said her first word. I'm sorry for not being there when she took her first steps. I regret every second." He said, starting to cry. I hugged him even tighter, my tears dropping onto his chest.

"We can work this out." I whispered, after we pulled away. He looked shocked. "Yes, you left me when I needed you the most. But my feelings never left you, I've loved you ever since but it's going to take time, Harry." I said.

"Thank you so much for giving me another chance, I'll make this up to you. I'll make everything up to you and.. Sorry, what's out daughters name?" He asked awkwardly.

"Her name is Cara." I smiled, looking down at her. "And I'm a Princess!" She announced, twirling around. "Your my little princess, darling. And your mother is my queen." He smirked.

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