/18\ UnEXpected Guest

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Eveleigh's POV

As I made my way downstairs, I froze on the last few steps.

"Mum, what is HE doing here?!" I yelled, pointing at my ex boyfriend, Harry.

"He wanted to speak to you." She answered. "Besides, you have been talking about him a lot." She added.

"Okay, okay. You could've at least told me though. I look hideous." I said, pouting to my morning face.

"You look beautiful." Harry mumbled. I tried to hide my smile, but he noticed.

"I'll leave you two to speak." My Mum said, after a moment. I finished going down the stairs and walked to the sofa, offering Harry a seat.

"So.. it's been a while." I said awkwardly, I said as he sat down beside me.

"How has a year gone so quickly?" He asked himself. There was silence for a few seconds after that.

"So how have you been?" He asked, turning to face me, I did the same, smiling a little.

"Really, I've been doing good. I got another promotion in my job." I smiled happily.

If only I could tell him how much I've missed him.

"That's brilliant! I knew you were gonna do well." He laughed.

"On the other hand, not so great, but getting there." I sighed. Now this was my chance.

"Why?" He asked curiously.
"It's been kinda hard without you being by my side." I said quietly.
"Oh thank god. I thought you wouldn't feel that way. I've missed you so much, I regret ever leaving you." He sighed, staring into my tear-filled eyes.

"I've missed you too." I sniffed, wiping my eyes. He opened his arms for a hug and I fell into them. He slowly lay down on the sofa with me cuddled into his chest. "I'm so sorry for leaving you." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"Harry, I forgive you. I want to give you another chance. So, Harry, will you do the honours of becoming my boyfriend... again?" I asked.

He grinned, connecting his lips with mine. "Of course."

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