/23\ Shopping Centre Gift

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Riley's POV:

I entered the shopping centre, looking around and smiling. "Where should we go to first?" I asked my best friend, Madison. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Let's just walk around a little." She laughed.

As we walked around the centre, I quickly popped into on of my favourite shops Damaged Society. I pulled Madison in with me and she laughed, following me around the store.

When I got near the back, my eyes widened.

"THE NEW HARRY STYLES HOODIE IS IN HERE." I squealed. I basically sprinted over to it, grabbing in and swinging it over me arm.

"Oh for god sake Riley." She laughed. I went over to the checkout and payed for the t-shirt.

The man at the counter looked up and smiled. "Fun fact, Harry was actually in here earlier." He said, smirking a little after seeing how excited I was. My mouth dropped open.

"I wouldn't lie, honestly. About 30 minutes ago he just strolled in and bought a new bag."

"OK THATS IT, I NEED TO GO!" I laughed. I payed for the hoodie, thanking him and quickly went out the shop.

"I swear if he's still here somehwhere." I whispered.

We looked around everywhere, probably for about an hour. After no Harry, we decided to give up. "He's probably already gone, Riley. Sorry." She mumbled.

"It's fine." I sighed.

"Fine line." She chuckled, making me laugh too. We did some more shopping and after a while, we got all our things and began to leave the shopping Centre.

"I knew we wouldn't see him anyway. He probably had security with him." I said, as we stepped out the entrance.

"Sometimes he doesn't. Normally he'd j-" Madison added, but then stopped talking, and stopped in her tracks. I stopped next to her, staring at her.

"What. You seen a ghost?" I laughed. Her eyes went wide and she started shaking a little. She couldn't reply so I followed to where she was looking.

"Please do not tell me that is Harry Styles." She whispered, barely audible.

I gasped, quickly covering my mouth, as I saw someone standing by the curb, texting on their phone. I couldn't see their face, but I just knew it was him.

"Oh my fucking god. That dude wasn't lying." I breathed out.

"Harry." I choked out, a little too loud.

All of a sudden, he spun around, facing us. And my heart started racing as I met eyes with the perfect man who stood a few arms lengths away from me. "Hiya girls. You alright?" He smiled, a little bit too casually.

"I-" I couldn't get my words out. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and Madison just started to cry.

"Aw, sweetheart, come here." He laughed. He walked towards her, opening his arms. Madi stepped into then, wrapping her arms tightly around him and I quietly cried into my hands in shock.

After a few seconds, someone's arms were wrapped around my neck and I was pulled into their chest. I kept my hands over my face, crying as Harry chuckled and squeezed me tighter.

"I can't believe this." Madi whimpered.
"Don't cry sweetheart. Come on, breathe." He whispered quietly into my ear. His fingertips light touched the back of my neck, making me drop my head onto his chest.

He slowly rubbed the back of my neck, his cold rings gliding side to side. After a moment, pulled away once I'd calmed down.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I- it's just..." I said, struggling to talk a little. "No need to apologise sweetheart. I love meeting fans. What's your name both of you?" He grinned


"Ah, cute. Would you like some photos?" He offered.

Yeah imma just ignore the fact that he thinks my name is cute 👁👄👁

"Yes please, if you don't mind." I smiled shyly.

I let Madison go first and they took some really nice photos together. My hands were shaking a little. Once they'd done, I asked Madi to hold the camera for us.

I stood next to him, wrapping both my alarms around his waist and snuggling into him. He pulled little smile and wrapped his arms around me too. Maddi snapped the picture and then Harry decided that we should take another one. He turned me towards him, making my cheeks turn red. He slowly leaned in, placing a kiss on my cheek. I put my hands on his waist and I heard Madi snapping loads of pictures.

 I put my hands on his waist and I heard Madi snapping loads of pictures

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I giggled a little, pulling away after a moment. 

We talked for a few minutes, for before a black car pulled up. "Sorry girls, but I need to leave now. It's was nice meeting you, Madison and Riley." He said, remembering our names.

"Thank you so much Harry." I grinned, hugging him one last time. "No worries lovely. Take care girls." He winked. We waved him off as he stepped Ito the car.

He blew us a playful kiss as they drove off, making me laugh.

"Holy shit he's even hotter in person."

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